Ray and Reggie

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For - wendyguardiansofgf

Reggie - Ray???

Ray - Reggie?? Did Julie give you my number??

Reggie - Yeah I hope that's okay

Ray - No it's fine. I like you

Reggie - Wait really???

Ray - Yeah I mean why wouldn't I. You're kind, respectful, and you've been a great friend to Julie when she needed them the most

Reggie - Sorry I guess I'm just not used to having parents like me. I mean Luke's parents kind of liked me, but they just for the most part thought I was influencing Luke's bar behavior

Ray - What about your parents?? Alex's parents????

Reggie - Well Alex's parents liked me at first because I was straight, but then things happened, and my parents never liked me. I was a punching bag, and another reason for them to argue

Ray - Oh my god Reggie I'm so sorry. You know if you were alive I would adopt you right now

Reggie - Seriously??

Ray - Yes I would. Actually I am going to. We don't need a judge to make it official

Ray - Would you like for me to adopt you into the Molina family


Reggie - Sorry for that

Ray - You'll never have to apologise for being excited

Reggie - Wait do I have to change my last name???

Ray - Only if you want to

Reggie - So I would be Reginald(Reggie) Molina???

Ray - Yes but again you don't have to. I don't want to force you into anything you don't want to do

Reggie - No I do. I don't want anything tying me to my old family except for my past

Ray - Well then

Ray - Welcome to the family

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