Zombies in Seabrook High

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Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep!

My hand flies from under my warm blanket and lands on the off button of my alarm clock. I sit up and stretch out my sleepiness with a yawn. As I climb out of bed, I am jolted fully awake by the cold floor on my bare feet. I look in my closet and pick out a white t-shirt and a blue denim overall dress. I match them with my white socks and tennis shoes.

I make my way into my attached bathroom and look at myself in the mirror. "Not bad, Betty, but Seabrook needs perfection." I quietly say out loud to myself as I comb my fingers in my tangled brown waves. As I brush my teeth, I quickly fix my hair into a slicked back high pony tail and add a blue ribbon. After putting on some liner, mascara, and gloss, I examine myself in the mirror and nod in approval.

I gather my school items and place them in my back pack, then head downstairs for breakfast. I could smell the bacon as I get to the bottom floor. My dad was already at the table reading the newspaper as he did every morning with his cup of coffee. "Morning, Mom! Morning, Daddy!" I greet them, giving my mom a kiss on the cheek before sitting down at the table across from my dad.

Dad folds his paper and looks at me with a smile. "Good morning, Pumpkin. What's on the agenda for today?" He asks as Mom serves the bacon, then sits down in between us.

I take the pitcher of orange juice and began pouring myself a glass as I speak. "Not much different. Just watching cheer practice, then going to music class. I'm sure Bucky and I will do something after school."

"How is Bucky, Dear? He hasn't been around the past week." My mom asks curiously.

I sigh a bit as I fill my plate with breakfast. "He has been really on edge because of the lift on the monster laws. The Zombies will be joining our school and you know how Bucky's family is about Zombies."

"Ah, yes. The Buchanans don't have much tolerance for change." My dad says simply, but you could tell it had a hint of irritation.

The Buchanans are one of the wealthiest people in Seabrook. Mr. and Mrs. Buchanan are also very speciest. They HATE Zombies, or any creatures that are not human for that matter, besides domestic animals that we have as pets. It's not a surprise that their son would share their views.

I take a bite of bacon and reply. "From what I heard, the principle is making them stay in the basement. That's so inhumane." I say disappointingly.

"I'm sure she is just doing what she thinks is right. Sure, the Zombies should be treated the same as us, but there are a lot of factors that could go wrong that she would be solely responsible for." Mom reasons. Which she wasn't wrong, but that doesn't mean I had to like it. I quickly finish my breakfast and kiss them both on the head before leaving the house to walk to school.

3rd POV

At the same time Betty leaves, Addison Wells is excitedly exiting her house as well. "I'm fired up! Tryouts today. I'm going to blow 'em away. Yeah! Dad says I can't go wrong. No. As long as I keep this on. Oh." She sings as she messes with her wig. "Seabrook's been the best like forever. Moms counting on me. No pressure. Cheer's in my family genes." She strikes a cheer pose. "Come on, lets do this thing! On this side we can all keep winning. If we just try to fit in. Watch it come together, be the best one ever, because it's my time. This is going to be my year."

All the kids in the neighborhood come and join Addison. "Been waiting for this moment
Yeah I'm gonna own it. You can watch me shine. This is gonna be my year. My year. My year. My my my year."

Betty's POV

I walk to the beach to find my boyfriend Bucky. He usually comes here to sign autographs and hang out with the "Aceys", 3 cheerleaders who share the same sound at the end of their name. They are like his groupies. When I show up I find everyone dancing and look around for Bucky. I see him run in between a group and give them high fives. Addison, his cousin, stands next to him proudly. "My cuz, Bucky's, the man. Look at how perfect he lands." Bucky flips over a sand castle and lands on the other side without breaking the castle. 

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