You Gotta Friend In Zombie

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After school, I was on my own since Bucky had cheer practice. I was strolling along the fence barricade, when I hear my name. I look to find Zed and two other Zombies approaching the fence to me. "Oh! Hey, Zed! Who are your friends?"

"This is Eliza.." He motions to the pretty girl Zombie to his left. He points to his right to a very excited tall Zombie boy next to him. "...and this is Bonzo!"

Bonzo waves. "RRAaA!!!"

Zed nods to Bonzo. "Bonzo doesn't speak English very good."

"No problem!" I send a smile to Bonzo. "Ooooo Gggg mmRr nuurg AhHH Orr araa!!! (Nice to meet you both!)"

Bonzo's eyes widen and he starts banging excitedly at the fence making me giggle happily. Zed pulls him back. "Okay, Buddy, let's not get security on us." Bonzo backs off, but his grin never leaves.

"Oh look, the human knows Zombie. Let's give her a medal." Eliza says sarcastically with an eye roll and her arms crossed.

"Easy, Eliza. Betty is cool." Zed defends.

"I didn't mean to offend you, Eliza. I just wanted to let Bonzo know he could speak to me without difficulty." I say softly with a small frown.

Zed gives Eliza a disapproving look before smiling at me. "It's really thoughtful of you and appreciated, Betty. Right, Bonzo?"

"Ya! Ya!" Bonzo nods happily, bringing my smile back.

I think for a moment. "Hey, I have nothing planned for the rest of the day. Do you guys want to come hang out at my house?"

Eliza scoffs incredulously at me and Zed gives me an uneasy smile. "That's probably not a good idea..."

Realization hits me and I let out a sad sigh. " laws."

"Well, if you're so cool with Zombies, then why don't you come to Zombietown?" Eliza challenges, but what she didn't know was that I'd accept her offer.

"Actually, I'd love too! If that's alright with you guy?" I ask nervously.

They all looked at me in shock for a good minute, then Zed finally answers by clearing his throat. "Oh! Uh...yeah! Yeah, of course!"

"Great!" I send them a grin. "I'll meet you at the border!" I wave at them before leaving for my home. It wasn't that far from the border.

After putting away my books and bag, I grab my wallet and stick it in one of my overall pockets before heading to the border.

Waiting for me at the border was Zed and Bonzo. I skipped over to them excitedly. "Hey guys! I'm so excited to see Zombietown!"

"Then, come on!" Zed says before he leads the way.

When I looked around Zombietown, I didn't see a graveyard with tombs for houses, I seen a true community. There were people working, people gardening, children playing. They were not the uncivilized monsters that everyone painted them to be, and I got to witness this first hand.

At first, I got strange looks, but that soon passed after an hour or so. I had so much fun with Zed and Bonzo as they gave me a tour of their town. Zed wanted me to meet his Dad, so we were headed there when a little girl carrying a stuffed dog ran up to us. "There you are, Zed! I've been looking for you."

After a moment, she noticed me and her eyes widened. "Wow! A human!"

"Hi." I greet her with a nervous wave.

"Hi! I'm Zoey!" She holds up her stuffed dog. "And this is Zander!"

I kneel down to her level. "Oh! Why hello, Zander! What a good boy!" I pet the stuffed dog making Zoey grin. "I'm Betty."

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