Wins and Breaks

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After his stunt at the pep rally, Bucky is on thin ice with me. He managed to sweet talk me into sitting at lunch with him, but that doesn't mean I let him forget that I'm mad at him.

The intercom comes on and the principal's voice sounds from the speaker. "Hello, students. This is Principal Lee. As you may have heard, zombie students are now allowed to eat in the cafeteria." There are a chorus of groans around the cafeteria. "Ugh! Just deal with it!"

I was excited to see my friends during lunch. The doors open and the zombie students slowly enter. When Bonzo sees me, he excitedly waves and I wave back with a grin. After they get their food and sit down, I got up to go join them, but I am forced back down.

I look over to see Bucky's glare. "What do you think you are doing?"

"I'm going to sit with my friends." I say defensively.

"Look, Betts, my sweet song bird. If you want to go chill with monsters after schools, then that is up to you, but no girlfriend of mine will converse with monsters in public." Bucky says with a smile, but his eyes are deadly serious.

Suddenly, a growl sounds from my throat and my own glare pierces through his. "Firstly, don't you ever grab me like that again." I grab his hand and shove it off my shoulder. His eyes begin to widen at my sudden aggressiveness. "Secondly, last I remember, Bucky Buchanan. You. Don't. Own. Me. Thirdly, if anyone is a monster around here, it's not them!" I get up and grab my tray, then stomp away from Bucky's table. How dare he think he can just control me!

I can feel everyone's eyes on me as I make it over to their table and put on a smile. "Hey guys! Room for one more?"

Eliza moves over and pats the seat between her and Zed. "Yeah!"

I sit down and begin conversing with them as I watched Bonzo create art with his food. He is talented. I could feel Bucky's eyes on me, but I refused to look at him.

Bucky's POV

I knew she was ignoring me. In some ways I can't blame her. I shouldn't have jerked her down like that. Yet, why can't she understand that I'm just trying to protect her? Those freaks could lose control at any moment, then I'd blame myself if she was hurt. I won't let that happen.

I look to the Aceys and lean in. "We got a big problem. Those freaks have turned my own girlfriend against me. If I keep pushing Betty, she might actually break up with me, and that cannot happen! Find out how to bring them down, in the mean time, make sure no cheerleaders join my Betty in this lunacy." The Aceys nod and get up from the table.

I give Betty one last look. I will save you from them, Betts. I promise.

Betty's POV

I watched as Bucky left the cafeteria. My heart aches for him, because I do love him. He just has to learn that change is good. I feel a hand on my shoulder and I look up to meet the sympathetic eyes of Eliza. A deep sigh leaves me and I just play with my french fries as I listen to Zed go on and on about Addison.

"Addison!" He suddenly yells, making me look up.

She slowly gets up and comes over. "Hi. Um, as they say in old zombie tongue, gazar nady garzane garsick. I looked it up on the internet." I started to choke on my french fry and Eliza pats my back as I cough with laughter.

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