Homecoming Game

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Betty's POV

Welp. Today is the big day! Homecoming! This is the day that Bucky and I love the most, and the only day I know Bucky would never intentionally try to ruin.  

The game was going great so far! I could feel my voice beginning to break from all the screams of excitement. 

"Time out! Time out!" Coach calls.

"Unbelievable! Mighty Shrimp are down by five. They call their final time out." The announcer says.

Addison makes her way to the front and looks back to the crowd. "Give me a "Zom"!"

"Zom!" We roar.

"Addison." I hear Bucky yell. I watch as he makes his way to her. My brows furrow in confusion and I make my way down.

"Give me a "bie"!" She continues.

"Bie!" The crowd shouts.

I got there just in time to hear the beginning of his lecture. "Mmm-mm-mm. You are way too good of a cheerleader to throw your life away, Addison."

"I'm cheering for a change, Bucky."

"Don't do it." He warns.

She ignores him and begins her cheer again. "Give me a "Zom"!"


"Addison." He warns again.

"Give me a "bie"!"


His voice fills with rage. "I'm warning you."

"Bucky." I try to get his attention, but he either can't hear me or is ignoring me.

"What does that spell?" Addison asks the crowd.

"Zombie!" They answer.

"Last chance." Bucky says.

Addison glares at him and cheers again. "What does that spell?"

"You're off the team, you freak!" Bucky screams and a surprised gasp leaves me. I am absolutely appalled by his actions and done with his behavior.

Bree joins Addison in support. "Go zombies! Go team!"

"You're off the squad, too!" He yells at Bree.

I had enough. 

"Buckard Alexander Buchanan!" I screamed, making him whip his head back and getting his full attention. Once he seen my face, all anger left and his face filled with panic and remorse. 

"B-betty." He quickly walks to me. "Betty, it's not what it looks like."

Before he could explain, the zombie alarm went off. A smile slides on his face as he turns to the Acey's. "My plan's working. I thought of everything."

"Excuse me?" He turns back to me and his smile drops. "Bucky, what did you do?"

"So how do we stop the monster from eating our brains?" Lacey questions.

"Didn't think of that." He admits and quickly grabs my arm and runs away.

We end up under the bleachers and at a dead end. "I can't believe you would do something so reckless! And on Homecoming of all days! You promised me, Bucky!" I say in complete disappointment and panic as we are backed up by a zombified Zed.

"I'm so sorry, Betty." Was all he could say as he stood in front of me protectively. 

Bucky falls and I kneel beside him and look over to Zed and tried to appeal to his humane side. "Zed! Zed, it's Betty! If you are in there, please try to fight it!" Tears pour down my cheeks not only for my situation, but for Zed and the rest of my friends.

As if my words finally reached to the real Zed, he yells out in pain. "Betty?" Zed's eyes change back to normal and he holds his arm back to restrain himself. "Noooooo!" He fights  to stay back and an officer zaps him. 

Addison runs over and tries to comfort him, but he is quickly taken away and she is stopped by her dad. After everyone leaves, I turn back to Bucky.

He gets up after his shock is gone. He tries to hug me, but I back up, making him stop. "Betty, I-"

"Don't. Just stop, Bucky." I snap, making him silent. A scoff leaves my lips and begin to pace. "You've invented a new kind of stupid. A damage you can never undo kind of stupid. An open all the cages in the zoo kind of stupid. Clearly, you didn't think this through, kind of stupid."


"Let's review." I say in anger filled enthusiasm. "You hacked into Z-bands so dangerous of which you knew and turn my friends into deadly predators because they bested you. I begged you to let it go, and you refused to. So scared of what the monsters will do to you, but you're the only monster you ever seem to lose to! You took my trust and broke it without giving it a second thought. All the times you begged for chances, you were only sorry you got caught! So, congratulations!"

"Betty, please...."

"You've made a fool of me, congratulations!"

"The only way for you to be safe was to get rid of them. It was an act of sacrifice!" He defended.

I look at him in stunned awe. "Sacrifice? Are you kidding me?" My anger rose. "I languished in misery as I was teased for my compassion for Zombies, I thought you made it better. I look at us and think, "God, what have we done with our lives, and what did it get us?". That doesn't wipe the tears or the years away, but all the time I wasted playing your foolish games. You know what I'm going to do."

"Please, don't do this." Tears began to form in his eyes, but I didn't care.

"I'm breaking up with you.

"Betty let's talk this out!"

"I know those Zombies like I know my own mind. You will never find anyone as trusting or as kind. You promised me you were different, boy was I blind. So I stood by as you fed me more lies. Do you know why?!" Hot, angry tears warm my face as they flood down my cheeks. Bucky was crying too, but stayed silent. "I love you more than anything in this life! I would choose your happiness over mine every time. Dang it, Bucky! You were the best thing in my life! I never lost sight of the fact that you have been going  behind my back despite!" We stood there staring at each other, before I spoke again. "We are done. Don't talk to me again." With that, I ran off to find Zed's family to see what I can do to help.

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