Hard Decisions

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I spent the last two weeks going to Zed's house, watching Zoey as we waited for the trio to come home. The stress that Mr. Necrodopolis was under was more than I could imagine, so I decided to help with Zoey. She was very sad and missed her brother. She was still too young to understand what happened. 

I heard from Addison that Bucky has gone crazy and it keeps getting worse as the championship gets closer. He has made huge cuts to the squad and continues to do so. This worries me, because if he keeps this up, he would not have a squad to even compete with. 

I was in the Necrodopolis kitchen, washing the dishes, when Zoey announced that the Z-Squad truck pulled into Zombietown. Zed's dad rushes out, and I come into the Livingroom to watch out the window with Zoey. We watched as Zed and his dad have an emotional reunion, and turn towards the door as they head inside. The moment Zed walked through the door, Zoey tackled him in a hug. "Zed, you're home!"

He bends down to her level and hugs her tightly. "Yeah, I'm home, Zoe." He looks up and sees me. "Betty? You're here too?"

I give a small shrug. "Of course I am." 

"Betty has been a real help while you were gone." His dad states, making me smile.

"It was nothing, Mr. Necrodopolis. I know Zed would do the same for my family if the roles were reversed. It's what friends are for."

Zed smiles at me. "But, you didn't have to. So, thank you." I nod to him, then my watch beeps.

"Oh! I got to go!" I give them all a hug. "See you tomorrow!" They waved me off as I made my way home.

Tonight was the cheer championship. Even though I was mad at Bucky, he was still my best friend, and I wanted to support him. I came downstairs to meet with my parents. As I was, I looked at the pictures on the wall. One of them was of Bucky and I after winning our first championship. I guess I was staring too long, because my mother's voice caught my attention. 

"You know, Dear, I'm sure Bucky could use your help." She motions to the picture with her eyes.

Suddenly, my mind flashes back to the day cheer was over for me. The day I flew up and didn't land in someone's arms. I was in the hospital for a month due to the way I landed. I shake my head. "I can't."

She gently rubs my shoulders. "My sweet girl. You can't let a bad fall keep you down forever." She kisses my head and heads out the door with my father. 

The ride to the competition was quiet, but it gave me time to think. Bucky really does need my help. Am I going to let him drown, or help?

I couldn't do that to him. Even if he deserved it at the moment. 


I'm gonna help him.

I look up front to my parents and see their hands together as my dad drives. He picks up my mom's hand and kisses it, making them share a smile. 

A soft smile finds it's way on my lips at the sight, but my face is suddenly filled with panic. "Dad, look out!" The last thing I remember was a loud horn and bright lights.

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