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Dumbledore's pov
Oh dear oh dear oh dear oh dear . Hermione granger not hermione granger this is concerning very concerning and she's right I know a lot about Veelas and half veelas . She will need some kind of courtship hopefully quickly enough to be married and mated before next September she's so powerful I suppose her Veela started showing a couple of weeks too early she shouldn't have wings and claws until September 19th her 17th birthday but by the sound of things she has them already . I suppose school will be the best place for her but not for the school a mate seeking angry female half Veela could be very dangerous they can shoot fireballs and her Veela side won't be nearly as sensible as her human she will be nothing but an angry weaponised beast until she finds a mate this is going to be a very interesting school year . I dip my quill in some ink and begin to right my response .
Dear miss granger,
Yes you are correct by your 17th birthday your Veela half will take control of your body completely and that will not be pretty I would like you to remain in school until you find a suitable mate the courting will have to take place during school and if you have not found someone by the summer holidays we will have to keep you at hogwarts we can't risk a 17 year old mate seeking female half Veela out in the muggle world or the wizarding one for that matter the males get longer mating time and they're  not as dangerous . Please be careful miss granger do not tell anyone about this until after further instructions . I will alert the rest of staff and the prefects that you have a meeting with me after the feast on the first day please come to my office to speak then the password is jelly slugs .
Yours truly
Professor dumbledore

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