On the 19th of september

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I open my eyes feeling grumpy I get out of bed and extend my wings . Need mate. I get ready and walk to breakfast. Need mate. I sit down and look at my fellow pupils ." Mate" I say aloud everyone turns to stare " my mate" I say again . Dumbledore begins talking "it seems miss granger has found her mate already unless you are a male gryffindor in Hermiones year stand up and leave slowly and calmly" everyone obeys looking terrified . Only seamus, dean, Neville, Harry and Ron are left . My mate . " dean leave slowly" dean does as he's told I do nothing " seamus" he says seamus leaves slowly I do nothing " Neville" Neville leaves slowly I do nothing you can see dumbledore weighing up his options " Ron" Ron stand up and begins to leave I grab him " my mate" I pull him down next to me and Leah on his shoulder " Harry professors please leave" Harry and the staff obey and walk out the room leaving just me dumbledore and my mate . " mr Weasley it seems you are miss grangers mate I understand if you are a bit overwhelmed but I'll just tell you know you need to get married and be mated before her next birthday the longer the you wait the angrier more possessive and more desperate she'll become" Ron looks petrified dumbledore continues " I will move you into one of the Veela homes and calm your parents to come discuss this with you okay ?" Ron nods slowly . " now then take her to your dormitory and stay there until I tell you to leave don't let anyone in . My mate nods again and slowly stands up I growl slightly and grab his hand smiling as I walk beside him satisfied with his distance . We walk slowly through the lonely corridors and too his dormitory seeing as he can't come into mine . "So mione what does this mean?" He asks " it means that you are my mate my destined mate we have to be married and mated by my next birthday or i die the longer it takes the worst ill feel" " but what does mating mean?" He asks " we need to have a child" . " what ?!??" He asks horrified and then . Knock knock .  Dumbledore sticks his head in " mr Weasley it's time to go to the house I'll bring your parents as soon as your there" my mate replies yes sir how are we getting there " port key mr Weasley the other ways would require separation and miss granger would most likely kill everyone near if that were to happen before you have agreed that you are her mate and she will be able to be separate from you but you will still have to be within sight" my mate agrees and touches a card dumbledore is also holding it " now mione touch the card" my mate says reluctantly I touch the card and we are transported to a new house dumbledore says " I'll apparate straight to get your parents" . My mate sits down on the sofa as he disappears I sit down next to him and put my arms around his neck snuggling up to him he stiffly places an arm over my shoulder and strokes my hair with the other . Bang . Our peace is interrupted by the return of dumbledore and my mates parents with him . Molly comes running up "I can't want to start planning the wedding" but as she gets too close I grab him and pull him away from her " mine" I say sitting on his lap " she will be like this until they are married and slightly better until they have a child then she will go back to normal please understand this is Hermiones Veela and her human cannot control her Veela" dumbledore says she steps back and I relax snuggling closer to my mate . " the sooner they're married he better" she says " I suggest using a Veela Venue inviting only the minimal amounts and shopping in the Veela night shops so Hermione won't realise your son is gone" .

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