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The next day at breakfast dumbledore says " I want everyone to please stay behind for an announcement" as he's saying this mcgonagall takes me away from the table and into the back of the hall . she says " I have no idea what's going on" then she walks out again leaving me to peek through the door " I want to say that there is a half Veela in our midst" gasps come from around the school "for the younger years who do not most likely now what that is this means that the person in question is much more magical and needs to find a mate who is   destined despite popular belief this means that we will have a person not controlling themselves but being controlled by there Veela half leaving them angry and with the ability to launch fireballs past there 17th birthday wich just so happens to be very soon" everyone is speechless " now would you like to reveal yourself" he says I take this as an order to walk out wich I do . "Hermione?" The gryffindors are shocked and the rest of the school surprised " miss granger if you care to demonstrate" says dumbledore I shut my eyes and open my wings the wingspan nearly knocks professor flitwick off his chair and my claws shock the room . " and now have a nice day" says dumbledore like he didn't just drop a bombshell as everyone leaves talking amongst them I fold my wings back And retract my claws I walk down to Harry and Ron . They stand there looking shocked " surprise?" I say .
Time jump
It's been a few days and the school has got over the news . Sort of. My birthday has spread around the school and the older years worry about that date my roommates look scared and they younger years are terrified of me already . It wasn't my fault I accidentally extended my wings in the corridor .
Next chapter will be set on the morning of Hermiones birthday .

Hermione a Veela ?Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora