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"One, two, three, vera verto." The woman said. I glanced at the small bird in front of me, not overly comfortable with turning it into a water goblet. "Is there a problem, dear?" She asked me as I raised my hand.

"Is this absolutely necessary? I mean, will they die?" I ask.

Ugh, just do it. I tried to block out the people behind me and focus on what the teachers reply would be.

"Not to worry, child. This spell is very safe and there is a simple counter-curse to bring it back." She assured me.

"Wot's this?" Someone asked from behind me, pulling something from out of my hair. I turned around and saw some lump-fisted Slytherin kid had Pickett in his hands, grabbing him by the middle.

"Give him back." I said in a slight panic, getting out of my seat and reaching for him.

"Why 'ave you got this?" Despite leaning so far over the desk, the kid leaned back and away from me. Pickett squirmed in his grip and I winced as he let out a small squeak.

"You're hurting him!" I snapped.

"I might just keep 'im, I fink." I grabbed my wand of the table and pointed it at the boy.

"Vera verto." I spoke and where the kid was sat, was now a rather large water goblet. I clamped a hand over my mouth, shocked at what I had just done.

"Ms Atropa!" The teacher snapped angrily. I swiped up Pickett and turned towards her. "We do NOT use transfiguration as a punishment! Detention!" She grabs my wrist and I quickly place Pickett back onto the table.

"Go find Newt." I whisper.


'I will not turn enemy's into water goblets. I will not turn enemy's into water goblets. I will not turn enemy's into water goblets.' I had to write that four hundred times before I could leave. Somewhere around two hundred and eighty four, my hand had started to cramp up and I dropped my quill on the floor.

"Oh, Merlin's beard." I quietly cussed, reaching down for it. I slammed it onto the table but underneath it, was now a note. I was a little confused as there wasn't anyone else around and I doubt the teacher would be slipping me notes.

'I want to show you something. Do you think you could meet me by the tree in the courtyard after detention?'


I waited by the tree in the courtyard for a while, humming a tune as I waited for the sender of the note. I stared up at the clouds, watching them roll around, however they sent a chill down my spine, maybe because they were dark.

"Celia." I turned my head.

"Oh, Hey, Newt." I smiled. "You wanted to show me something?"

"Uh, yes." He walks around to the front of the tree. "In that hole there is a family of bowtruckle's. Pickett is supposed to stay in there, but just wont."

"He could have some sort of separation anxiety." I suggest.

"What did you get detention for?" He asks suddenly.

"Umm, I turned some kid into a water goblet." He let out a small laugh.

"Why on earth would you do that?"

"I was just sat there and Pickett was messing around in my hair, like he does, and this kid grabbed a handful of my hair and dragged him out. It wasn't like I thought it would work but it was kinda funny." I explain.

"If you ask me, he deserved it."


While everyone else shovelled food in their mouths, I tried to get a head start on my homework so I would have some free time later this afternoon. I was a little startled when Newt sat beside me, holding some sort of device.

"What is that?" I asked.

"It is an umbrella that opens very, very quickly." He says.

"Why would you bring an umbrella?"

"Because if I'm not mistaken, those girls are about to dump something over your head."

"What?" I look behind me and see two girls coming towards me, something in their hands. "Shoot." I quickly duck under the table and say under there until I see them walk past me.

Where the hell did she go?

I sighed as I reluctantly and quite slowly poked my head back out.

"Are they gone?" I ask in a hushed tone.

"I believe so." I sat back in my seat. "Thank you for warning me. I literally hate this school."

"Don't say that, we've only been here a few months."

"Yeah and the kids seemingly done nothing pick on me for the past few months and I don't have any friends."

"That's not true. I'm your friend." I smile.



"That means I can tell you things that you'll keep to yourself, right?"

"Of course." I shuffled in my seat so I was facing him.

"You know how I told you I could hear what you were thinking?" He nods. "I can also see everything you've seen and find every thought you've ever had."

"How- how would you do that?"

"It's not an easy thing to do. I would have to have a really strong connection with that person and I would take their hand and close my eyes and it just happens. All of their thoughts and feelings flood in and the things they've seen start to play in my head."

"You're a very peculiar girl, you know that don't you?" He says.

"I've had my suspicions." I reply. "But I think I could be put to good use one day. I think that, with some practice, I could do it with anyone, even if I don't know them."

"I think you have a lot of potential, Celia. But I do recommend that you be careful who you share your secrets with. Not everyone will have good intentions with you, and I wouldn't want to see you hurt."

"I apricate your concern. And I'm not as stupid as I might look."

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