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"You're such an idiot, Kowalski!" I fume. "You had to go and spill the erumpent musk all over yourself!"

"It was an accident. Calm down." Jacob said.

"You know, you telling an angry woamn to calm down is the equivalent to throwing a box of lit matches at a gas canister. Don't do it." He holds his hands up in innocence. "Think yourself lucky. At least we got her back."

"Now all we need to find is the demiguise, and we-" Newt stopped after hearing a rather strange knock come from the outside of the case's lid.

"What was that?" Jacob asked, however not the only tense on in the room. Newt approached it, slowly opening it up and climbing out. I followed after him, and to my suprise we were in a room full of other wizards and witches the looked to be rather important. Jacob then emerged and the room gasped, muttering things like 'he's a no-maj'. I looked up and floating above us was what looked to be the image of a muggle that had been killed.

"Do either of you have an idea which of your creatures did this?" The woman at the very front asked.

"No creature did this." Newt said, obviously deep in thought.

"No, look at the marks. It was an obscurus." I argue.

"That is crossing the line, Ms Atropa. There hasn't been an obscurial in America for centuries." The woman said once more. "Seize that case." The case went zooming towards a man at the other side of the room, and the three of us were restrained when she said "arrest them." Or should I say, the four of us, as it looked like Tina Goldstein had ratted us out.

"Please don't hurt the creatures." I plead. "Nothing in that case is dangerous."

"We'll be the judges of that." She sneers.

"No, please." Newt continued. "They're harmless."

"Take them away."


"Let me out! Let me out!" My yells echoed through the empty room, but I wasn't about to stop. I had been separated from the others because of the racket I was making. It wasn't like I went far. I was being held in the cell beside them. "Come open this door! Let me out!"

"Celia, no one else can hear you." Tina said and I stuck my head through the bars, about to give her a proper scolding.

"This is your fault. You know those creatures are harmless, yet you still turned us in, and look where it got you."

"I'm sorry." I walked back over to the front, grabbing a hold of the bars and shaking them so the sounds of the metal could be heard from space.

"Let! Me! Out!"

"Celia!" Newt scolded and I stopped. "Just sit down, okay." Pressing my back to the far wall, I slid down it, staring at the ground.

"Can someone tell me what this obscurial, obscurus thing is?" Jacob asked.

"A while ago when muggles were still hunting wizards, many children would try and suppress their magic to avoid persecution, thus developing an obscurus. They pop out and attack. Newt and I met a girl who had an obscurus. She was eight when she- she was eight when she died." I explain.

"She died?"

"An obscurus is like a parasite. They don't live past the age of ten, maybe eleven." Newt added.

"Jesus. So the thing killing the no-maj's is a kid?"


"I don't want to talk to you." I say to Mr Graves, a very powerful man. However, I wasn't about to tell him anything. I did care that Newt and Tina were stood behind me, wishing I would cooperate.

"The more you resist, the harder it's gonna be on you." He says.

"Is that a threat?" I ask, raising my eyebrows.

What is wrong with this girl.

"That is quite rude, actually. There isn't anything wrong with me, you're just an arse."


"Maybe you should start making assumptions out loud."

"You're a legilimency, aren't you?" He asks.


"Celia-" Newt started but was hushed by Graves.

"If you are a legilimency, that makes you -my biggest threat- dangerous."

"In what world does that make her dangerous?"

"Be quite, Mr Scamander." He thought for a moment. "You have brought dangerous creatures, including a legilimency and an obscurus, into this city, hereby committing a treasonous act against your own kind, you are now sentenced to death. All three of you."

"What? No."


Three women dressed in all white dragged us into an equally as white room with a steel chair floating in the middle, above a body of dark water.

"Please. Please, don't do this." I beg.

"Don't worry, it doesn't hurt." The woman says and taps her wand against the side of my head. All of my fear melted away as a bright light was pulled from me on the end of her wand and thrown into the water. It went from a murky grey to a lighter grey, displaying what looked to be my childhood. I smiled. "You wanna get in?" I nodded, watching my memories play out in front of me.


I sat on the chair, unaware I was slowly being lowered into the water, re-living my whole life. The day I first went to Hogwarts. The day I met Newt. The day my parents introduced me to my little sister. However that suddenly changed when every thought or feeling I'd ever had of fright or fear flashed before me. I became instantly terrified and stood on the seat of the chair. I looked up, seeing Newt and Tina had broken free -good old Pickett- and the swooping evil was circling me.


"Newt, what do I do?" I ask panicked.

"Uh, j- jump. Jump." He says.

"Are you crazy?" I ask.

"She'll never make it." Tina agreed.

"Just jump. I'll catch you." He says. "Celia, don't you trust me?"

"Of course."

"Then on the count of three." I nod. "One... two... three." I jumped, expecting my foot to sink, however I stepped on the swooping evil as it passed and Newt took me in his arms as I got to the other side.

"Oh Merlin." I breathed. "I never want to do that ever again."

"We have to go." Tuna urged, and the three of us ran out the door.

Faulty Engagement.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora