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As soon as Tina shut the door to the spare bedroom, Newt and I shared a look before getting up. He drops beside his case, beginning to climb in while I went over to the muggle, pulling him up.

"What's going on?" He asked, relatively confused.

"Just get in there."


"Pickett, stop being so stubborn." I say, trying to put him in the branch with the other bowtruckle's. "We've been doing this for years now." He squeaks as he dangles from my hand. "They're not going to bully you." He squeaks once more. "Oh, alright. This is exactly why they accused me of favouritism." I sigh, placing him back on my shoulder. I had gone to see who was missing while Newt was treating the wound on Jacob's neck made by the murtlap. I wandered into the icy section and when I say my heart dropped, my heart dropped. "Newt!" I yelled. "Newt, come quick!" In a matter of seconds he came running to where I was stood.

"What on earth is the matter?" He asked.

"We've got an obscurus." He came closer, looking at the small black mass more carefully. "What do we do with it?"

"For now, I suggest the best thing to do is leave it alone. And perhaps, you should get some rest. You haven't slept since we left home a few days ago."

"I don't think that's such a good idea. Besides, you can't catch everything with only the help of a muggle." I argue.

"I wouldn't dream of going anywhere without you, you know that."


I hadn't been to sleep, I had been staring at the ceiling. However when I heard Newt's case pop open, I quickly snapped my eyes shut so it would look like I was sleeping. By the sounds of it, both he and Jacob had climbed out and the case had been shut. I kinda had the feeling someone was looming over me and I guess I was right as next I heard a voice.

"She doesn't look as scary when she's asleep. Almost beautiful." Jacob said and I had to supress a snarl.

"Once you get to know her, Celia is rather kind and I think she looks beautiful all the time." Newt replied. "I also think that's not a reason to be that close to her while she's unconscious. Still, It's a good thing she didn't hear you say that though."

"Why not?"

"I find many people ask that question but the truth is you don't really want to know."

"Aren't you gonna wake her?" Jacob asked, finally far enough away that I couldn't feel his breath on my face anymore.

"Give her another five minutes. She hasn't slept much and I think it has something to do with her partner. They had a row before we left, you see. He's never been an understanding man and has always been against our relationship."

"Doesn't that make you mad? What if he makes her choose?"

"I would be disheartened if she ever was to leave but I know she would be happy." My heart smiled.

"What is that over her face?"

"I wouldn't touch that if I were you. She will go ballistic. She's had that since she was a little girl. She can't sleep without it."


"People like you, don't they, Jacob?" I ask as he, Newt and myself made our way down the street and towards Central Park. "I was watching you at dinner."

"Well, yeah. People do like me. But I'm sure people like you too." He replies.

"Not really. I tend to come off as scary to some." I said, giving him a look.

"I- I also said you looked beautiful." He excused.

"You said almost. But it's fine. I have no desire to please those who refuse to see the beauty in everything." I took another step and something crunched under my foot. I looked to see what it was and it happened to be a jewel. "Niffler." I followed the trail of shiny objects as it lead past a shop window. I stopped when something caught my eye. The niffler was stood stiller than I had ever seen him with a necklace draped over his arm, obviously pretending to be some sort of object. The necklace slowly slipped off it's arm and he turned his head towards me. I raised my eyebrows as he stared at me for a minute before running off. "Oh no you don't. Finestra." I say, pointing my wand at the glass window and watching it shatter before climbing inside. I chased the niffler all around the shop and even ended up swinging from the chandelier until finding myself in a rather sticky predicament. I was resting against some shelves with the niffler in my face and they rested against a quickly cracking glass window. The glass fell through and I went with it, flipping over the shelf and lading in a pile of glass. I groaned as I felt a series of small cuts in my back, but pushed myself up anyways. I managed to grab the niffler before he made his escape.

"Are you alright, Celia?" Newt asked, crouching beside me.

"I'm fine." I lie. "Let's go. The erumpent is still out there. Probably trying to mate with something."

"She's in season?"


"She would know. Girls keep track of that stuff, right?" Jacob asked and I blinked a few times, wonder why he thought it appropriate to ask such a thing.



I watched her as she cornered the poor, unsuspecting hippopotamus.

"Put this on." Newt said, handing Jacob a helmet.

"Why would I need to wear this?" He asks.

"Because your skull is susceptible to breakage under immense force." I say. "You should probably give him something for his chest too."


"No need to worry."

"Has anyone ever believe you when you tell them not to worry?"

"Well my philosophy is if you worry, you suffer twice." Newt says before looking at the erumpent.

"Are you ready?" I asked him.

"I think so. What could go wrong?"

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