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"I wouldn't drink that, if I were you." Newt warns, peering at me over the top of his book.

"Why not?"

"Look at the steam coming out of it. It's clearly still hot."

"I think I'll be fine." I say, smugly.

"Okay fine, burn your mouth." As if trying to prove a point, I take a sip of my beverage and purse my lips when the liquid is scorching hot. After forcing myself to swallow it, I let out a small gasp. "So it's hot, right?"

"Oh, shut up." I sneer, turning my attention back to the window, watching the trees move quickly past it as the train moved. Newt shifted in his seat and I looked at him. "Why do you keep fidgeting?"

"I'm just trying to recover from the bone-crushing hug you gave me when you saw me on the platform." He teased.

"Okay, fine. No hugs for you ever again." I said with a small laugh. "How weird is it that we're in fifth year already? It feels like yesterday I was being sorted into my house."

"I don't mind being one of the older kids." Newt shrugged. "At least now-" He paused when something moved in his bag.

"What the hell was that?" I ask.

"Uh, nothing."

"You brought the niffler, didn't you?"

"Yeah. Yes, I brought the niffler." He says.

"I told you not to bring the niffler, Newt. He's gonna steel everything. It's all made of gold." I scold, reaching up to play with my necklace, however freeze when I don't feel it. "This creature is gonna be the death of me." I stand up, opening Newt's bag and seeing the niffler squirming around in there. I see him with my necklace in his hand and he looks up at me. "Give it." He doesn't move. "Give it to me." He's about to shove it into his pocket. "Wait, I can give you this." I say, holding up a galleon I fished out of my pocket. Reluctantly, he hands me my necklace and I give him the galleon. "You better not cause any trouble." I close up his bag and sit back in my seat when Newt starts to laugh. "It's not funny!"

"It is. I mean, it's quite comical." I start to laugh too, shaking my head.


A few days had passed and I was in my first potions class. I was trying my hardest to concentrate, but all I could hear was some guy hassling Newt behind me.

"Is it my fault you're a freak?" The boy said and I frowned.

"No, however I fail to see what business that is of yours."

"So you admit you're a freak then." I heard Newt sigh. "Hey, Scamander, look at me." He hissed.

"I'd rather not, if I'm honest." Newt replied. The potion's teacher had momentarily left the room.

"Look at me freak-boy, or I'll throw this at Celia." I turn around.

"Call him a freak one more time, I dare you." He froze. "If you don't leave him alone, I will go to Azkaban for you. Now shut the hell up, won't you." I threaten.

What the f-

"Don't you finish that sentence."


"It was the lark, the herald of the morn, no nightingale. Look, love, what envious streaks do lace the severing clouds in yonder east. Night's candles are burnt-" Newt read as I laid my head on his lap, staring up at the clouds, however still interrupting him.

"What do you think it is about Juliet?" I ask, a little too deep in thought.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean why is Romeo so in love with her?"

"I don't know. Because he thinks she's beautiful." He shrugs.

"So, because she's beautiful, that excuses the fact she's obviously a disobedient little girl?"

"I- yes."

"Someone needs to check Romeo's head."

"Can you not just listen to the story." I hold up my hands in innocence.

"My apologies. Continue."

"Night's candles are burnt out, and jocund day, stands tiptoe on the misty mountain tops. I must be gone and live, or stay and die."

"Celia." A voice came. Newt looked up, but I didn't even respond. "Celia, can I borrow Newt a second?"

"No." I say bluntly. "Newt, if you would kindly continue."

"It's important." He urged. I sat up, staring him in the eyes.

"What, pray-tell, is so important that it can't wait?" I ask.

"Uh, I want to talk about -I wanna talk about you- study hall." He lies.

"Don't lie to me." I say tilting my head. "Maybe you could talk later, but we're kinda busy right now."

"Y- yeah. Okay." He walks away and I lay back down as Newt looks at me confused.

"He didn't wanna talk about study hall, did he?" He asks and I shake my head. "What was he really wanting?"

"He wanted to talk about me. Probably another one that thought they could make a move if they knew a little something about me."

"And you're just okay rejecting them all?"

"Yes. I don't wish to be dedicated to anyone else. I have my best friend, and that's all I want.

"What do I do if he asks me later?"

"They you tell him to say what we discussed. Now, where were we."


"Can anyone tell me what a boggart is?" The defence against the dark arts teacher asked. "Ms Atropa." Oops, I was miles away.

"What was the question?" I whisper to Newt as he stood beside me.

"What is a boggart." He replies.

"Oh. It's a creature that take the shape of whatever that person fears the most. That's why no one knows what it truly looks like." I say with a confident nod.

"Well done, Celia. Would you like to come up and face the boggart?"

"What? Wait, wait, wait, what? Face the boggart? Like, let it attack me?"

"It wont attack you. Just remember the spell you were taught last lesson." The teacher urges me towards a locked box. Oh boy.

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