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Nikki's POV, April 1988

Vince and Mick were over because we needed to discuss the next album, I'd already written a couple of songs but we hadn't properly began recording we were due too soon though, so we organized today as a general discussion on what kinda vibe were going for with the new album and for the guys to check over my lyrics.

Now we were all in a sober state of mind it should be easier to record now, Vince and I will still clash heads over shit like all the time but hey, nothing new there- I still love that cockblocker to the ends of the earth.

When it comes to music I'm a perfectionist, I kinda slacked off the last album given being pregnant then the addiction but I'm back to normal- so welcome back Picky Sixx.

"This is fucking nice, Nik- I'm actually like excited to record this y'know? Having us all back together in the studio" Vince grinned, throwing an arm around me after he checked over a song I handed him.

"Wish I could say the same" I tease taking the song back off the blonde.

Vince rolled his eyes and smirked "That's not very nice"

"Since when have we ever been nice to each other?" I pointed out.

"You have a point, Sixx. But don't you think we should start?" Vince suggests nudging me still smirking making Mick scoff.

"Ha, the day you two get through a song without arguing will be the day pigs fly- it's never gonna fucking happen"

"You don't know that Mick- we could get along for once" I say as I heard Tommy enter the room, I turned and smiled at him as he carried River placing her on the floor a few feet away from Vince before falling down next to me, Tommy quickly ended up pushing Vince's arm off me much to Vince's displeasure and slinging his own arm around the back of couch letting his hand fall onto my shoulder.

"I'd like to see that bassist" Mick laughed.

"What are you two on about?" Tommy wanders mildly confused by Mick's words.

Vince took the job to fill Tom in on the conversation "We were just chattin' about Nik and I and how we always argue, we ain't that bad are we?"

Tommy grimaced "You really want me to answer that question?"

"We really that bad?" The singer asked raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah, you're really that bad" Tom hummed.

"I don't know whether I want to kiss you or punch you in the face for that response" I state to him.

"The first one preferably" Tommy grinned before leaning in and catching our lips together in a kiss before pulling away a second later by the sound of our guitarist letting out a noise of disgust.

"Can you two not for once? Like, please- I don't wanna see that shit, plus think of the children" Mick said while gesturing to Vince and River, Tommy and I giggle at the face the singer pulled at Mick's remark but neither Tommy or I or even Vince argued over the the statement but it did make the blonde fall into a sulk.

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