A Vegetarian Dinner

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"Chief, you have a call from Air Temple Island," an officer said, leaning through the doorframe to her office. 

"Patch them through," Lin said, without even looking up from her paperwork. She picked up the phone on the first ring. "Chief Beifong."

"Lin! It's Su. I was just calling to invite you to dinner tonight. Tenzin and Pema are having a small get together to say goodbye to us and Katara before we all head home."

"What time?"

"6, can you make it?"

"I'll have to cut out early, but I'll be there." 

"Great!" Su cheered, "See you tonight."


Lin took a seat at the table as Pema entered the room from the kitchen, her hands full of dishes,  followed closely by Su, who held only a glass of wine in her hand. "You couldn't help Pema carry out the food?" Lin said judgmentally as Su took the seat to Lin's left.

"What? She's got it handled..." Su's voice faded as Pema juggled a pitcher and 3 cups in her arms. "On second thought, maybe she does need some help," Su walked quickly over to Pema to grab some glasses before they all fell to the floor. 

Kya entered from the kitchen carrying sweet buns. Her heart leapt to her throat once she saw Lin across the room from her. She placed the sweet buns on the table and walked over to the seat next to Lin, her heart pounding in her chest. Why am I so nervous? It's just Lin. I've known her my whole life. Why am I suddenly so panicky anytime she's around?

Kya hadn't been able to put a finger to what the shift in their dynamic was, but ever since Korra's birthday every time Kya saw, no... thought, of Lin, her cheeks reddened and her heart rate sped up. 

"Hey," Lin pulled Kya out of her thoughts.

"Hey, how are ya, Chief?"

"Alright. Works been busy, but having everyone around the city again has been nice."

Kya smiled softly. Having everyone around had reminded her of their childhood, before they all parted ways. 

"Dig in, everyone." Pema announced. 

Lin looked to the food that was displayed on the table. Pema had prepared an array of traditional Air Nomad dishes, including, vegetable dumplings, rice, steamed tofu, and mung bean curry. Lin turned to Kya and whispered quietly, "Are there any non-vegetarian options?" She presumed there would be some because her family and Katara all eat meat. 

"Unfortunately, no. I was hoping that because Mom's here I would finally get some good water tribe food, but Tenzin refused," Kya sighed, glaring slightly at her younger brother. 

"Ugh, no offense to the Air Nomads, but their food is... bleh," Lin said, sticking her tongue out. She was really not feeling a dinner consisting of just rice and tofu.

"I have an idea," Kya said with a grin. She leaned close to Lin's ear and began to whisper, "What if we leave early and grab something actually good to eat," her lips lightly brushed Lin's ear and Lin's face went red at the sudden closeness between herself and her childhood friend. "I know a water tribe place that just opened up in the city."

After quickly recovering, Lin grinned. "You know I love a reason to leave a party early."

"Great. Eat some tofu to be polite, and we can leave right after dinner. You say you have some police business and I'll say I'm going out with a friend."

Lin nodded and grabbed a very small portion of food. It was hard for her to eat due to her stomach being in knots. What's wrong with me? I was just starving and now my stomach is in a flurry. No... these are not butterflies. 

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