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"Jason" a voice called him, he could feel something was bouncing over his chest, some small figurine creature "Jason wake up" the creature called again, his voice a squeaky whisper, he opened his eyes and his imp was just a grayish green blur to him, he blinked multiple times to wash the sleepiness away from his eyes and his imp was now more visible, it was a hideous sighting to get woken up to. Krumar was the same size of a capuchin monkey but he was nowhere near its cuteness, the imp had a wrinkled bald head with two small horns crowning his head, three clawed fingers for a hand, his feet were small talons resembling those of an eagle; not near as majestic though. His ears were long, pointy and flappy, one of them was cut at the end, his nose was long and pointy, his teeth were like thick sharp needles scattered all over inside his mouth, he had small bat-like wings full of cuts and holes, his skin was grayish green and he wore nothing but a black tattered piece of loincloth that hid his genitals; if he had any.

Jason waved his hand at the imp, removing him from on top of his chest. He was wearing a stained black shirt with skinny black jeans and dark boots, apparently; he was too drunk to take them off before going to sleep. The imp landed on the side of the bed "The vampire is here again" the imp said, Jason put his hands on his eyes trying to ease the pain of the headache he was having, he shouldn't have drank that hard, he always say that after he wake up, but he never tell himself that when he is taking all those shots again at the end of each day. He rubbed his eyes and started getting up slowly. As he did, he heard a knocking on the door, three knocks on the wooden door; for him, they felt like three charges of a battle ram against great wooden gates; each time a knock occurred, his head pounded with it.

"I'm coming!" he shouted angrily, and it backfired, his voice rung heavily in his head and he cursed, he heaved his legs outside his bed and got up with one swift move, it was too fast for him and he almost fell but he held to the curtains on the windows, almost tearing them to get his balance back, he started strolling towards the door and was there just in time to interrupt the unwanted visitor as he started knocking again, he yanked the door open before the third knock.

"What!" Jason opened the door wide open to greet the unwanted guest.

"You know" the man began in a deep voice "I fear the day will come when I come knocking and you will be really dead" Jason scoffed at this and smiled for a second "can I come in?" the man asked politely and Jason nodded.

* * *

Elena finished her morning run. She was standing now in front of her house, heavily breathing, exhaling her tiredness with every breath. Her sleek black hair pulled back into a ponytail. It was her morning routine ever since she moved to Brazil; it was so much different from London and Italy, but she adapted, she always did, and she had too.

Her watch was beeping as she took the orange juice out of the fridge. She turned it off and poured herself a glass. She slept well today; it was unusual for a woman like her, most of her nights were either sleepless or full of bad nightmares, memories of what happened, memories of her dead mentor and her former path, it was never an easy task to move on from what she used to do, Necromancy is not alcohol or drugs, it does not have its own supporting groups.

The house she lived in was large for an unemployed girl, naturally she couldn't have afforded it but she had her 'get-away' money "I have safe houses all over the world, which I bought within my many travels" Mobius once told her, he also told her that each one from his inner circle knows the location of only one house and there are no physical recordings or any data that ties any of the houses to him, the Templars will never find them and he was right, it has been years since his demise. Elena was always on her guard, skeptical of every man or woman that passes her by, but so far, the Templars have not showed up and she was safe.

Dark HeartsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon