Part IV (Chapters 1 & 2)

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The Warlock

"You ever thought she was here because of you" Ellen said, folding her arms, she wasn't getting enough sleep, Jason could tell from her eyes, all weary from the lack of sleep and crying, his eyes were tired too, but from a different reason, he was strong back then, not even the sight of his dying daughter could break him into tears, he knew that tears won't bring her back to health.

"Maybe she is like this now because God is angry with us" she continued and Jason stood still, stone faced, waiting for her to let everything out, he owed her that much, she was still his wife "maybe God is punishing us because of what you do" she sniffed and glanced away for a moment barely holding back her tears "why couldn't you just be normal, Jason? Like a normal asshole would be? Just cheating on me or something, you know? Maybe then God won't be that mad at you!" she shouted, and tears came pouring from her eyes despite her best efforts, she covered her face, Jason looked downwards and took one step towards her, she raised her hand to him, and he stopped.

"I will fix this" he promised.

She wiped out the tears with the back of her hand "devils cannot stand in the face of God, Jason" she said and turned away, getting back inside her daughter's room, she sat beside her bed and held her hand, she kissed her hand gently and started crying again, Jason stood outside, looking at his wife and daughter from the big glass window and although he didn't show it, it broke him from the inside, seeing what cancer did to both his daughter and his wife, he clenched his fist in anger and frustration and decided to execute his plan.

"I know it's kinda hypocritical to hear that from a demon" Krumar said as his master was painting a summoning circle on the floor "but this is dangerous"

"He promised me" Jason said coldly, "a demon's word is his bond, remember?"

"Azazel is an Archdemon, Jason" Krumar jumped and landed in front of his master "summoning him will drain so much of your power, it may kill you"

He didn't care if he lived or died, he only cared about them, he brought too much pain already and if getting killed while saving them is the price he must pay then it was a win-win situation for his family. He finished drawing the circle and stood at its center; he rolled the sleeves of his black shirt and raised his arms so that the backs of his hands were parallel to the floor; he closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

Not many warlocks summoned a demon that were not theirs, most of them just stuck with their imp or whatever demon they had, it was uncommon to summon a demon with whom a warlock had no contract with, and it was extremely rare to summon an Archdemon. Archdemons were the elitist of demons, second only in power to Lucifer himself, they were far more powerful than ordinary demons and thus much harder to summon.

Jason began reciting the summoning spell, it started as a whisper then as he felt the winds blowing out of nowhere and the light bulbs flickering with light, his voice grew stronger and louder, a small trickle of fire was forming from underneath him, like a snake coiling around the edges of the summoning circle, the winds blew harder and the light bulbs suddenly grew as bright as small stars, Jason's felt his hands trembling as the snake-like fire grew thicker and larger as it was circling him, his feet were hovering slowly until his tiptoes were off the ground, Jason didn't stop, not even as blood came trickling down from his nose and ears, Krumar cursed as he saw his master's body break-down, he waved his hands together and started channeling some of his powers to the warlock, Jason's body started aching, his demon infused blood was slowly boiling as the summoning grew stronger.

Krumar's channeling soon broke as the demon was completely drained, he fell to his knees as his master still hovered high from the ground "break it off!" Krumar called but Jason continued with the spell, he could feel he was so close as he felt the power surging all over the place and the fires surrounding him grew stronger and more fierce, his body was now pouring with sweat as the fiery snake grew bigger and bigger, his entire body was red from the pain and the heat "break it off!" Krumar repeated, fearing that his master might blow up from the inside, suddenly all the light bulbs exploded, and the wind was blowing no more, the fiery snake struck Jason with its tail and hurled him across the room and then there was silence.

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