Personal Jesus

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*Kirsty's POV*
After the guys left, Pogo came to bed with me, and Twiggy slept with Kate. It was early in the morning, 9:24 to be exact, and of course the guys weren't awake. I shook my creaky, rusty-hinged door open. I ran my bare feet through the smooth carpet. There was a big stain on the floor from where Marilyn spilled his drink last night, but it just adds to this old, weathered apartment. I ran to the radio. I flipped through, and turned it to Doll-Dagga Buzz-Buzz Ziggetty-Zag. Weird title, but a good song. I went to the kitchen, and fixed cereal. I ran back to the living, and listened to the music.
"All the thug rock kids are playing! All the punk God angels are saying, the toys are us and we don't even know!" Pogo sang in an opera voice, as he shoved my old door open. He sat next to me.
"Sleep good?" I said.
"Yeah, I guess, how 'bout you?" he said.
"I slept pretty good, mainly just laid there for a bit then drifted off," I said. I shrugged and laughed. I reached my hand out, and tugged Pogo's goatee. I studied his face as he smiled. He was bald, of course, had a long black goatee, of course, and drawn on eyebrows. He's really uh.. 'Special'? He's interesting looking, put it that way. He had on black skinny jeans, a red T-shirt, a black trench coat, and black boots. Classic Stephen. I awkwardly ran my hands down his trench coat. It felt smooth and.. So silky. I want one.

"Can I wear your trench coat?" I pleaded. I stuck my bottom lip out and widened my eyes. He tilted his head to the side and laughed, moving his shoulders until the trench coat fell off. I grabbed it and put it around me. About 8 sizes to big, but it'll do. I smiled at how warm it was, and the fact that it dragged the floor behind me.

"Can I wear your jacket?" He asked, smirking. I shook my head and laughed.
"I don't think you can fit in it, Stephen," I patted his arm. Twiggy sprinted out of Kate's bedroom, shutting the door behind him.
"You have a WEIRD sister, Kirsty!" He shivered and turned on the tv.
"What did she do this time?" I beamed at sat next to him.
"Have you been in her closet before?" He shivered again.
"No, I stay out of ear business and she stays out of mine," I shrugged. He took both my hands and looked in my eyes.
"So, you haven't seen her whips? Or her 'candles' or her.. Microphone thingy?" I laughed and took my hands back.
"No, Twiggs," I grinned and patted his head. He bounced up and down on the couch beside me. I giggled and held his shoulders down to make him stop. Suddenly, Kate came bursting out of the door, brushing her hair.
"Hey Kirsty, Hey Twiggy, Hey STEPHEN," she smirked and continued brushing her hair. Pogo stomped his foot and chased her up the steps. She hit him with the brush, playfully, and he picked her up and dropped her on the floor next to the couch. She caught her breath and giggled. I laughed too. Pogo's laugh was deep. Twiggy reached his hand out and brushed his fingers through Kate's hair.
"Hey, Twiggy, I'm trying to brush my hair here," she waved her hand towards her hair. Twiggy shrugged and continued running his hand down her head. "So, that means I don't need you to brush it for me," she said, sliding his hand away. Twiggy whimpered and reached both his hands out, clasping his fist into her hair. She sighed and giggled, reaching out to grab his long braids. I reached over and tugged Pogo's goatee, for the second time this morning.
"You should grow your hair out," I ran my hand across his bald head.
"I DID have hair, but it started falling out," he blushed. I nodded and looked into his beautiful brown eyes. The whole world stopped. I couldn't help it, and I pressed his lips to mine. OH NO. WHAT DID I JUST DO?! What did I just...
"Uh.. We're still here guys," I turned around and Twiggy waved his hand in front of my face. Kate's jaw was dropped to the floor. Why did I do that? I turned back around to Pogo, who's mouth was still hanging open. I lifted my hand up and pressed his jaw shut, hearing his teeth clink together. I smiled, embarrassed. He wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed me again.
"GUYS?! Hello?" Kate said. Her hand karate chopped our faces apart. Now my mom was hanging open. He lifted his hand up, and clinked my mouth shut just like I did to him. He laughed and hugged me.
"HELLO?!" Twiggy and Kate waved their hands in front of our faces. I slapped Kate's hand and she yanked it away.
"Uh.. I-I.. S-sorry?" I said to Pogo.
"Why are you apologizing?" He draped his arm over my shoulder and I cuddled next to him. I still can't believe I just did that.

*Kate's POV*
I was twirling Twiggy's dreads around, and then my sister kissed Pogo.
"Uh.. I-I.. S-sorry?" She said.
"Why are you apologizing?" He put his arm around her and she sunk into him. They would make a good couple.
"Can I have my trench coat back now?" He smirked.
"Oh! Sure," she rolled her shoulders around and pulled it off, revealing dark green sweatpants and a grey tank top.
"You sure do dress to impress, don't you, Kirsty?" Twiggy laughed. She smiled and went back to watching TV. It was silent for a while.
"I'll be back in a second," Twiggy got up and ran into my room. After a few minutes I could hear him talking. He's either on the phone or he's schizophrenic. Either one, I still love him. I couldn't really understand what he was saying, but he came back out after about 15 minutes.
"What was that, Twiggs?" Kirsty asked.
"Haha.. Nothing," he smiled and plopped down next to me, sitting criss-cross. He was still wearing his green dress, red leggings, and his boots were in my room. We watched Jerry Springer for another 30 minutes until we heard a knock.
"I'll get it!" Twiggy sprang to his feet. Before we could protest, he was running to the door and shaking it open. "Come in!" John, Ginger, and a girl entered the house.
"This is Skylar," Ginger motioned to the girl. She had tan skin, short brown hair, and glasses. She stood there awkwardly for awhile until Ginger led her over to our tan love seat. John sat next to Pogo on the couch.
"Move over!" Pogo swung his hip into John's, making him fall off the edge of the couch. He stood back up and dusted his skinny jeans and black T-shirt off. He muttered "Asshole" under his breath.
"If I'm an asshole does that make you a dick?" Pogo grinned.
"If it means we can stop arguing, then yes. I guess it does," John sat on the floor.
"Why don't you want to argue anymore, tough boy?" Pogo smacked the back of John's head.
"Pogo, stop," Kate begged. Pogo shook his head and waited for John to reply. He just sat there with his mouth open.
"Is that an invitation or is your brain too stupid to think off a comeback?" (Yes, this is an Onision reference) He smirked and crossed his arms.
"Just shut up," John rubbed the back of his head and got off the ground and sat on a bar stool in the kitchen.
"Well, this is off to a great start," Kirsty laughed weakly.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11, 2015 ⏰

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