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After many clueless boys had been shoved in my face, I decided that maybe it was time to hide from Sal and Ronnie. Along the way maybe I could round up Owen and force him to find a ride home. When they were both distracted by what they thought could be another possible candidate, I snuck off back up the cliff path after doing a quick scan of the beach for Owen and seeing he wasn't there.

Music had been blasting in my ears for the last hour or so, so as I retreated from the party, a loud ringing took the music's place.

I was starting to wish that I had brought a sweater or something, the night was getting colder and goosebumps were forming on my arms and legs as the sea breeze blew. I wrapped my arms around my body as I continued to walk up the path and to the top of the cliff.

To my glee, the top of the cliff was pretty much empty, excluding one boy who was stood at the edge of the cliff, staring out into the sea, he didn't notice me though as I came closer. He looked to be in his own world with his headphones plugged in. The moon was shining down right onto his face and I could make out his hazy, honey-colored eyes that reflected the view ahead of him. He was wearing a reddish-colored shirt and a pair of slightly scruffy black jeans. I watched as his foot tapped up and down on the floor.

Maybe he knew where Owen was.

"Excuse me?" I said.

He didn't respond. He must not have heard me through the music in his headphones. I took a few steps closer.

"Excuse me?" I repeated, a little louder this time.

Still nothing.

I moved closer again, now only around a few feet away from him, "EXCUSE ME!" I shouted at him.

He jumped, it seemed as though I had pulled him out of a trance. When he turned to look at me his face softened. His eyes glinted and the corners of his mouth perked up, his voice was familiar when he said, "Hi."

Where had I heard that voice from? I'm sure it will come to me, it might have to get in line behind the many things I can't remember, "You haven't seen a boy, around 14, kind of caramel hair, green eyes?"

His face dropped, his skin paled and the light in his eyes went out as I spoke. What was with this guy?

"Have you?"

He shook his head, gulped, and looked back out at the sea. I swear this guy just went through about ten different emotions in the span of about a minute.

I sighed and looked down at the party below, "I don't suppose you're from down there are you?"

"No," he said.


I know who that voice belongs to!

"Oh my god, you're him!" I beamed and turned to the boy once again. His face lit up again but he still looked a little hurt, "You're the guy I bumped into on the way down here, you know, that really hurt. You could have at least said sorry. I mean, come on! Everyone around here knows I have brai-"

"Are you done? I'm looking for somebody so if you would excuse me," he turned around, brushed my shoulder as he walked by, and headed back down the cliff.

What a dick!

I was just being nice to him! I didn't do anything! Did I? No, I didn't.

Angrily, I turned around and ran after him, he was already partway down the path, "Hey!" I shouted.

He stopped and turned around, his eyes glaring at me as though I was some sort of demon, "What?"

"You know there's no need to be such an ass," I returned the best glare I could conjure up and continued to walk closer to him.

When All The Stars AlignDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora