-1 / Info / (E)

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Hewo o/

I'm Error! I am one of the writers of this book! ^^

This is the infopage! Everything you need to know is listed here!


➤ Collab book
      - This is a collab book! Meaning two or more authors are writing this book! I am writing this with my friend Pleb! If you see the (E) next to a chapter title, I wrote the chapter (just like this one!) If you see a (P), Pleb wrote it!

➤ Properties
      - The book is placed into a game called Loomian Legacy, which is on the game called Roblox. The loomians, ect are all them! The characters are ours! :DDD

➤ Credits
      - Thanks to Pleb for working on this with me as well as Llama train studios for making the game! :DD


Any questions? PM me or ask below! <3 And I'll reply with you with the answer and also add it to the list of questions below!

- ; Questions ; -

A Looming Journey - A loomian Legacy StoryWhere stories live. Discover now