1 / New Day! New Life! / (P)

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Jacob awoke to chirps, barks, and an aroma of pancakes that came from his house's kitchen. Tumbling out of bed in true Jacob fashion, Jacob put on his favorite clothes, brushed his teeth, took a nice hot steaming shower, and grumpily went downstairs. He was greeted by a steaming hot on pancakes that looked as if it could kill someone-in the sense of how delicious it was. "Today's the day," his mother, Angeline, interrupted Jacob while face-first in a stack of pancakes. "Hmgryph?" Jacob chewed through a mouthful of pancakes. "You're officially permitted to own a Loomian," Jacob's mother informed him. "How could you forget your own birthday-" This time, it was Jacob who interrupted. Leaping from his chair as if it was his birthday, (because it was,) Jacob let out a "Whoop!" and proceeded to start devouring his pancakes. It was indeed Jacob's birthday today, and no one's surprise, Jacob forgot his own birthday. He was always the forgetful type, so no one would be surprised if he failed Loomian Class 101. Shows them, Jacob scraped by with a 72 last year. But this year was different. Jacob had turned 14, which now allowed him to own a loomian. For years, the other kids had laughed at him for being the "young kid," for "not being able to own a loomian." Today however, Jacob promised himself to prove them all wrong. He would become the #1 loomian trainer known to mankind, and make all the other kids who once bullied him kneel down and beg for forgiveness! It wouldn't be easy however. Becoming the #1 loomian trainer required multiple things: Good loomians, Powerful Skills, and most important of them all, the best trainer. Jacob hoped that a mom who was the CEO of Loomian Goods would suffice. Sprinting out the doorway and into the bright, sunny Saturday that greeted him, Jacob left behind all of his bad memories, and only looked forward to what lied ahead of him. Jacob ran down the road faster than a Twittle chasing its prey, and burst into the lab where his mother worked. It took 5 minutes of waiting before Josh's mother could catch up with him, and by the time she had gotten to Jacob, she was out of breath. "Morning' Mrs. Angeline," said Oscar, the secretary at the main entrance, barely glancing up from his newspaper. "Are you here to get a loomian for lil' Josh today?" "Mhm," Jacob's mom said, gasping for air. "Come on mom!" Jacob exclaimed, running into the zoo that kept multiple loomians waiting to be claimed. "No running in the halls!" Oscar shouted back at Jacob. Jacob's mom said a "Oh boy" and ran after Jacob. Oscar mumbled something about people and running inside the building as Jacob and his Mom entered the zoo. Jacob burst into the room with delight, in awe of all the different loomains. There were fevines, eaglits, embits, and even vambats! With such a list to pick from, which would Jacob choose?

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