The big day!

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1 month later

Skylar POV

Today is the big day, where me and Alex get married I am so excited I can't WAIT for today, I can't believe I get to be married to him he is my one and only.

Alex POV

I am currently in my dressing room getting my suit and tie on, I am getting the butterflies just because how excited I am to get married!
I take about 5 minutes to get completely ready, and surely Skylar is already out there waiting for me, as I silently wait for the organ to start playing I check Twitter, suddenly I hear the organ playing so my mom comes to get me and walk me down the aisle. As I slowly walk down the long red carpet many eyes of my family stare back at me, I look up to see Alex looking very hot in his suit and tie with a handkerchief hanging out of his chest pocket and his little smile on his cute face I finally get it the front of the church and the priest starts talking

TIMESKIP past the blah blah blah stuff

Finally he asks the crowd if there is any objections why these two young men should not get married, suddenly a drunken man bursts through the front door and screams I WILL NOT HAVE A GAY NEPHEW, my dad gets up and walks over to my uncle and escorts him to the exit and he keeps him there for the remaining time of the marriage the priest say you may now kiss your husband and my eyes lock with Skylar's eyes and we kiss like it will be the last time we will ever see each other we kiss for about 10 seconds and a bunch of aww's and hoorays come from our families, me and Skylar both walk outside about to get in the car that says just married on the back when I notice my dad and uncle are screaming at each other.

(Alex) stay in the car babe I will be right back,
Dad! What are you two doing?? My uncle looks at me and with no hesitation he punches me right in the jaw and I clock his right eye he punches me in the muzzle giving me a broken nose I grab my bloody fur and fall to the ground with a sore face I get kicked in the stomach and pushed back on the ground, my dad instantly pushed my uncle to the ground and starts beating the absolute hell out of him. As I kneel down on my hands and knees holding my nose I start to gather a puddle of blood on the ground and everything gets fuzzy and dark, soon enough I collapse to the ground.

(Skylar's POV)

I see Alex on the ground bleeding unconsciously so I instantly open the car the door and bolt over to him as a crowd of people start forming around him I pick his head up and set it on my knee as I whip out my phone and dial 911, the operator asks who I need and I say help my husband has been beaten up! I need the paramedics please!!! (Operator) ok sir stay calm the medics are on their way to your location they will be there in around 10 minutes, (Skylar) thank you so much.

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