Chapter Thirty Four - Possesive

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Both sides stood in circles around their youngest, tension high in the air. If an outsider saw this scene they would guess that there was bad blood between the two groups as the tension felt almost as if it could be cut with a knife.

There was no bad blood though.

This was the life of vampires when they met one another. Nests didn't mix even if they did like each other because often first encounters were so hard to deal with.

They all stood around their youngest, their need to protect them always coming first. The order was always roughly the same. The oldest took the front then the 'leader' would be beside them. A leader wasn't a real leader, they were the one with the best gift for communication or with a gift that would best give them an advancement should the other side. To either side of the youngest would be the ones that could best protect them and behind would be someone who could get the youngest away quickly should the need arise.

So for the Park Nest that meant MJ was at the front due to being the oldest, Jin-Jin beside him since his gift was communication. In the middle was Sanha as he was the youngest, either side of him was Eun-Woo and Rocky, both being best qualified to react and save him should anything bad happen. Last but by no means least was MoonBin who was at the back so that he could get Sanha away if anything bad happened.

For the Kims nest it meant Jin at the front as the eldest and Namjoon as the unofficial leader since his mind reading ability gave him the best communication abilities but would also let him know in advance if someone was going to attack. Jungkook, as the youngest, was in the middle with Jimin to his left since he was a shield and could protect Jungkook. To his right was Yoongi who was the best when it came to fighting and attacking. Taehyung and Hoseok stood behind Jungkook, Taehyung could easily get Jungkook away if something bad happened and Hoseok could help them escape by distracting the visiting vampires or going with them.

Of course no fighting did break out and there was no need for any of this but the instincts that swam around in them were strong and controlling to the point they had done all of this without even realising it.

"Jin, it had been a while, I see you have finally found your final mate, congratulations." MJ spoke up first with a smile as he saw Jungkook. He couldn't help but realise just how strong the allure was on the small male.

Typically the allure could be only felt strongly by the nest mates and faintly felt with other vampires that were around them. This boy though... It was like he was vibrating with allure, not enough for any stranger to choose him before their mate but enough to feel a pull to him and to help him. It was insane really.

In fact, the whole nest seemed stronger, it was obvious that Jungkook's gift must be enhancement but this was more than that, it was like the completion of this nest put them above that of other nests. It was like they were the definition of power.

An example would be Jimin's shield that covered each and everyone in the nest. It was always there because he'd not been able to use his gifts on the nest before but he could almost see it now, they way it hugged the Kim Nest, wrapped them up all tight and warm in what could be imagined as a fluffy orange blanket of love.

Orange was a good colour for it, warm and comforting for the nest but bright enough to act as a warning to others to not try anything. It seemed the safety and warmth of it had their youngest currently feeling pulled to Jimin who was imitting the protection.

"Thank you." Jin said, smiling as his eyes flickered briefly to their youngest, smiling at how cute he was but he also worried that Jungkook would feel uncomfortable for a while with ASTRO here so he knew that something may have to be done to help the boy. "It was a fluke really but we couldn't be happier. You must be tired though, we have set two rooms up so you can all put your belongings in them and get some rest if you would like to." He offered.

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