Day 2- Jennie Diet

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- green tea
- tomato, mango, blueberry, spinach salad
- 1 egg
- coffee with honey
- 1/4 cup trail mix
- cucumbers, tomatoes, & shrimp
- cranberries

Exercise: Today I did 15 minutes of yoga in the morning, and in the afternoon I did 30 minutes of pilates, and a 15 minute ab workout. It was raining so I did not get to run again, but I hoping that I can tomorrow. Spreading out exercises through the day makes it easier to do them; I'm more motivated to workout if it's in little blocks of time.

Overall this diet has been good so far. I did feel hungrier than usual, but it's not a huge issue. I noticed that I look and feel a lot less bloated (probably due to decrease in sodium intake). I think exercising helps too.

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