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Hey guys! How have you been?

I made a Sequel.

The sequel is called


go check it out.

If you don't see it up, its prolly because i'm making a part :)

Thank you guys sooo much for 1k reads! I honestly starting writing and making books because there was noting else to do. But i'm glad you guys are liking it too. This covid-19 is really messing up my life, well. I have no life because of covid-19 now sooo. Whatever, I found myself because of this time off. ( sort of, still getting there) Its also begun problems for me :) sooo funn :/ But, people have lost important people, and I'm so sorry if you have. It will get better.

Go vote!

Anyway, if you would like or need to, private message me if your having a hard time. Just know I'm always here. You have people that love you, even if you cant see it. You do, so don't do anything stupid. (I should really listen to myself)

Have a good day/night/afternoon.


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