I'm Gonna Be Right Here You Can Do This

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Maya's View
Damon and I are hugging and I'm crying into his chest. Stefan just left to go to Elena's to give Damon and I some alone time because of the dream. "I'm sorry, Damon" "For what?" "For what?" "Saying your a horrible person! Your not, your the best person ever!" "It's ok, Maya, I get it" "I love you so much!" "I love you too" "You heard me tell Stefan the dream didn't you?" "Yeah" "I'm sorry" "Hey, you have nothing, absolutely nothing to be sorry about" I was silent. "I have to be sorry not you" "You don't need to be" "I do, Maya, I love you and I changed you without thinking about what you wanted" "Damon, you didn't mean to do that" "I would've killed you, so that would've been worse" "Damon, please stop please" "I cant, your not able to be who you want because of me" "I'm fine with that as long as I get to be with you" I kissed Damon and felt like I was gonna get sick. "I'm gonna be sick" "Nice way of telling me I'm a good kisser" "I'm serious!" "Um, the bathroom is over there go to it!" After I got done with that, I said, "I thought Vampires couldn't get sick" "I didn't either" "Well I just did!" "It was probably just a bad animal" "Damon I'm serious!" "Me too" "No your messing around!" "Look, I wouldn't worry about it to much, ok?" "Ok" "Come on, lay down and let's go to sleep" "I don't want to go to sleep" "Hey , I'm gonna be right here for you if you have another bad dream" "Promise?" "I promise" "Ok" "Come on, go to sleep now"
I ended up having another baby nightmare. "Why is this happening to me!?" "I don't know, baby, but your gonna be ok" "No, it's not! I can't take it!" "You can, I'm gonna be right here, ok?" "Ok"

A Continued Life With Damon Salvatore 😍Where stories live. Discover now