Showing her again

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Louis' POV

Sam had a bounce in her step the whole way into the forest.  Her golden locks flounced around her perfect face as she smiled and I felt my heart melting.  Sure, I hadn't done the whole overprotective mate thing but I had a feeling she was the one.  I just wish she would see me like that.  After I missed the dance on the full moon I didn't know if she would really trust me anymore.  It's comforting enough just to be near her, especially when she's in happy-go-lucky moods like today.

"I think this is far enough, guys," I called from the back of the group when we were a good way into the forest.

"Really? Usually we go furthe-"

Yes, I know," I cut Liam off, "but today we're only going this far, for Sam's sake."  I appreciated Liam's assistance with the whole Alpha thing somethings, but at other times he was much too overbearing and stubborn; today was an example. "Okay Sam," I tuned my attention to the grinning girl beside Zayn, "go stand near that tree." I pointed to a sturdy fine-needled pine near where Sam was already standing and she literally skipped to it while the boys joined me around the opposite arc of the clearing.  Sam was sitting cross-legged with her back leaning against the tree's rough curved trunk. "You ready?" I smirked and Sam nodded enthusiastically, smiling and adorable yet cheesy smile.

I glanced sideways and nodded to the boys, giving them permission to shift.  My eyes fluttered closed and I inhaled deeply and slowly, letting energy surge through my stiff body.  The forest had so many different scents: all the different trees smelt different and I sourced them out one by one; the animals each had their own distinct smell although some smelt feral; the dry crumbly earth, nearly devoid of moisture, even had it's own dusty smell. 

I could feel the burning in my chest of my inner wolf instincts shredding the barrier between wolf and human; I recoiled in pain.  Hairs pricked at my skin as they grew out from the inside, stabbing like a thousand needles.  Bones shifted with sickening cracking noises under hairy flesh and I knew by now my body was literally shuddering in pain.  I doubled over as the most painful physical part of the shift let loose; my kneecaps snapped in half backwards making space for powerful hind legs forcing me into a more crouch-like position.  I let out a low guttural growl as the wolf side of me took over, clouding my mind and blocking out my human memories, also dulling the pain so the excruciating morph of the skull to wolf muzzle was not unbearable.  I felt like a prisoner inside my own body at this point in the shift, I always did.  My human memories tugged at their restraints aching to take over, but my wolf side forced them into inaccessible confinement and I, my conscience, looked on unable to do anything.  It was a wonder that the entire process could feel so strenuous but had only been a few seconds in reality.

Although I had to admit, as I shook off the receding ache from the now finished shift, I felt wild and free and in control with the smooth breeze messing my fur and my delicate senses identifying every noise, scent and movement.  One problem was that I had nearly no idea who the human girl standing before me was.  I tilted my head in confusion looking at the excited blonde.  I couldn't remember a thing about her, except that her name started with S I was sure, and her scent assisted.  It was familiar: a mixture of raspberry and vanilla with a hint of cherry blossoms and musty books.  Just divine, the perfect scent.! That was it, her name was Sam; I let one memory slip through with an excited yip.  Niall looked at me confusedly; I don't think he ever understood the difficulty I had remembering names.

"I think we should show Sam something," I told the boys, who all held the same confused expression as Niall, and now Sam who was watching our conversation with immense interest.

"Is that Sam?" Harry looked towards Sam, obviously not remembering her quite yet.

"Yes, she wanted to see us like this, that was can we change back now?" Liam urged, but I shook my head abruptly stating a 'no' in response.  Instead of replying, I padded over softly to where Sam was crouching  and I bent down low to put my muzzle in the palm of her hand.  She flinched back in surprise, but slowly brought her hand forward again to touch the place I had nuzzled her with.  I leant in forcefully as a kind gesture and she started to rub that area like she would to a trained dog.  The feeling made me feel warm and fuzzy inside and I let out a happy yip, calling the boys over.  I looked in their direction and moved closer to Sam, indicating that it was alright to come closer and they slowly but surely, after nervous glances between each other, neared where Sam and I were standing.  

Waiting for rain ( a 1D werewolf story ~ AU)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant