Arriving home

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Sam's POV

I walked home next door to be met with a fearful sight for any 17 year old girl.  As I walked in the door and turned to my left I saw Dad with Ben in the kitchen polishing and loading a giant rifle.  Having no history with guns I had no idea what type it was, only the knowledge that Dad kept it stored up high in the garage and he was the only one with the key to its case.  Why was he using it now? It wasn't hunting season, not even close.

"Hey Dad, what are you doing?" I pondered aloud.

"Oh, Ben and I are just going for some friendly hunting with the Browns in the street over," Dad shrugged casually.

"'s not hunting season Dad; what are you hunting?"  the only thing they hunted was rabbits and other forest pests, nothing that was around at this time of year.

"Well Sam, someone said they saw wolves in the forest, so we're going to find them!" Dad exclaimed excitedly.  But there weren't wolves in the forest...unless he meant…

"N-no Dad! You can't kill the wolves!" I cried, receiving identical strange looks from Ben and Dad, "T-they're innocent, what have they done to you?!" I exclaimed, trying to come up with some smart argument to save the boys' lives.

"Honey we have to get rid of them!" Dad complained, "Do you remember Rebecca Black?"  Who could forget Rebecca, she had been the bitchiest girl in school.

"Yeah, she was attacked by wol-" I stopped mid sentence.  This would completely ruin my argument! "B-but that was last January! The boy- the wolves are probably dead or gone by now," I only just escaped awkwardness, despite the suspicious look Dad was giving me.

"Honey, why do you care so much? They're just feral animals." No, they were our next door neighbours! "Anyway, at least one of them is long gone; whitest fur I've ever seen, he had," I choked on nothing in a split second.  White fur? There were no wolves in our forest, the boys had told me, so it had to be-

No, it couldn't be.  Realisation sunk into my mind like an anchor.


I knew my teary eyes were growing wider by the second while I was lost in my subconscious mind and Dad was still giving me suspicious looks, but it all seemed to fade away in those moments.

"I-I-I have to go Dad." I flew from the room and out the front door, sprinting to the boys' house and flinging their door open violently.  Luckily their parents weren't home so I wouldn't be in trouble for entering so rudely, but honestly I couldn't have cared less for that at the moment.  I took the stairs two at a time and raced down the landing, skidding to a halt outside Louis' room before flinging his door open wide.  Luckily for me he wasn't getting changed of anything, but I had a feeling these boys didn't close their doors when they were changing.

Louis' surprised ocean-blue eyes met my teary ones but I ran at him before any words could escape either of our mouths.  I began to sob as I flung my arms around his neck, his response being to pat me on the back comfortingly.

I'm so so so sorry Louis," I mumbled into the crook of his neck.  He slowly pried me off his shoulder and looked deep into my tears confusedly.

"What's going on, Sam?" he held me firmly like any good boyfriend would.

"I-I'm so sorry Lou; m-m-my dad, h-he," I didn't want the words to come out but I knew they had to, "he tried to kill you."  His eyes widened and his lips parted just enough for a small gasp to escape.

"I knew he looked familiar," Louis' gaze drifted to the floor while his eyebrows became furrowed, "but my mind was all wolf and I was too scared to realise who it was.  I think the boys already know, though,"

Waiting for rain ( a 1D werewolf story ~ AU)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن