Welcome to Fluffcember

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Welcome to Fluffcember, (This is inspired by @LuckyBugBooks and their Flumptober Challenge so check them out)

December is the time of the year where family gets together and celebrate together, whether you believe in Christmas or not it is still family time.
This is the very reason why I moved my previously Fluffember (November) to now what is called Fluffcember.

You can choose ships, bromance/sismance, family bonding and more.
You can choose what ships seeing not everyone likes the same ones.

NO SMUT/LEMONS Please kids could be reading

if you want to tag some people who you think will be interested, tag here ➡

These are the prompts

Day 1: "Would you like to put the star on top?" "I've already got my star, it's you"

Day 2: Inspired by a picture

Day 3: Family Get-Together

Day 4: Double Date Disaster

Day 5: "I hate that song"

Day 6: "I hate you" "I know, I hate you too"

Day 7: I would fly to the moon and back

Day 8: Fun in the sun

Day 9: Inspired by a song

Day 10: "Please can we get it?"

Day 11: "Don't you ever leave me"

Day 12: "No, you can not date him" "Why?" "Because, um, because he likes {Insert thing}"

Day 13: "We need to go shopping NOW"

Day 14: "I hate dancing" "For me?"

Day 15: "so it's a date?" "For the last time, it is a hangout"

Day 16: Number Neighbour Challenge

Day 17: Home is where the food is

Day 18: Sleepover

Day 19: "So what happened?" "You do not want to know"

Day 20: "Christmas is near, don't let Cole know, he will eat all the food before the day even arrives"

Day 21: Inspired by a quote

Day 22: "Do we have to go?"

Day 23: "Maybe you belong together"

Day 24: "Go to bed" "NO!"

Day 25: Christmas

Day 26: "We ran out of money" "But everything is still open"

Day 27: Inspired by a headcanon

Day 28: Pool Day (Or Snow Day if you are in winter)

Day 29: "I've missed you" "I haven't"

Day 30: "Selfie!" "I hate smiling"

Day 31: "Happy New Year's Eve!"

That is all the prompts, if you have to tweak anything go ahead I'm not fussy, and if you want to tag me in the book go ahead, I love reading everyone's books. You can also add OC's too I don't mind.

I won't be doing every day seeing that I'm pretty busy in my world but I really wanted to do this, it's fine if you don't do every day too

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