Double Date Disaster

124 5 1

Ships: Glacier, Greenflame

The first part, until the time skip, was pre-written so that's why it has less detail after the time skip


Kai sat on the couch watching T.V with his blond-haired boyfriend laying over his lap, they had just come back from an all-day mission with the others and now they were just relaxing.
"Hey, Sparkey?" Lloyd asked, looking at the porcupine with his emerald eyes,
"Hmm?" Kai responded,
"I was wondering if we should go on a date tonight, just relax and eat a nice meal, you know?"
"That would be wonderful I reckon Greenie" Kai smiled.

At that moment Cole came into the room wearing his best outfit (which was just some black pants with a sleeveless t-shirt with his favourite band on it) and blasting some slow rock music at full volume on his headphones.
"COLE!?" Kai shouted to get the earth ninja's attention
"Hmm?" Cole hummed while taking his headphones off of his black hair
"What are you up to?" Lloyd wondered
"Oh, I'm just going out with Frosty to have dinner" Cole informed
"Really? Wow, me and Lloyd were just thinking doing that too"
"Nice, why not make this a double date?" Cole suggested
Lloyd nodded at Kai, liking the idea, "Sure, but as long as it is ok with Zane" Kai told the earth ninja.

Just at that moment, Zane came walking into the room wearing some white pants, an ice blue shirt and a white jacket, "Did I hear my name?" he asked
"Hey Frosty" Cole greeted the nindriod while kissing him on the cheek, "We were just thinking of making our date into a double date seeing we are both going out for dinner tonight"
"That does sound interesting," Zane thought out loud
"Then it is settled, double date tonight at 6" Cole finished by punching his arm in the air, his chocolate brown eyes beaming with joy.
But Cole didn't realise he accidentally activated his lava arm so he ended up hitting the lamp through the roof "oops" Cole muttered looking at the hole threw the roof, "If Sensei asks, tell him Jay did it" Cole told the wide-eyed Lloyd and Kai who just nodded.


Where did everything go wrong? The four may never know.

But now food covered the whole area within 10 metres of the ninja's table, Kai with soft drink in his hair with red eyes gleaming with anger, Lloyd trying his best to hold Kai back from attacking Zane, Cole standing protectively in front of Zane with lava arms activated, Zane desperately saying sorry to Kai repetitively and some very annoyed waiters and chefs shaking their head in disapproval.

Next thing the ninja knew, they were being shoved out of the restaurant by the waiters, not even asking them to pay. (That the four were glad about)

"I give you my dearest apologies Kai, I have no idea why my arm malfunctioned when I had my drink" Zane apologised with a death glare given to the nindriod in return "Don't mess with my hair" the porcupine growled.

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