Inspired By A Picture

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(Image at the top, but Cole replaces Morro)

Ships: None

Set: Before season 7, after DOTD (So Dr Saunders is still around, unfortunately)

Warning: May be funny but is short


The ninja walked through the museum all the way to the Hall Of Villainy. The ninja haven't been here since the Day Of The Departed and Cole wanted a proper look seeing he was distracted last time. 

A boy, around 7, walked up to the team "You're the ninja" he said enthusiastically
"We sure are," Jay said "Which one of us is your favourite?" he asked hopefully
"I prefer the real green ninja," the boy said
"That's me," Lloyd said
"I said the real green ninja," the boys told them making the ninja look confused
"Kai did wear the gi once, you mean him?" Zane asked
"I said the real green ninja," the boy said, now having a small smirk on his face
"Ghosts are green, you mean me seeing I use to be a ghost?" Cole asked
"Perfection," The boy replied

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