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'It all happened so fast. I got to rush. Please be safe Minato-koi. I got to think, I got to think. Shit what to do, what to do. Ok Kushina think.' Kushina thought as she held Naruto to her chest. She had just given birth to her son, so she was worn out and tired. Put the Kyubii being ripped out. Yeah, she was in pain, but she couldn't just sit by and let her village, her lover, HER SON perish.

''Ok I need to stop the Nine-Tails, bind Naruto's powers, and help Minato. Ok first of things, seal away Naruto powers. What the spell, as fuck it. I'll just wing it.' She thought as she lies Naruto down in her arm.

"In this night and in this hour,

I call upon my ancient power,

Seal my child's bless it powers,

Until he needs it on his urgent hour," She spoke. She saw her son glow for a second, before it stopped.

'That should do it. Ok now to heal myself, to help Minato. Shit. Ok. Here go.' She prepared herself.

"Quick as a breeze,

Heal me now oh please," She said, as her labor pains went away, but not the exhaustion.

'Well, that wasn't a strong spell, but it will work for now. Shit the Nine-Tails! Oh please, Kurama. Why are you like this.' She thought as she left the room.

She ran across the building tops, looking for anyone who needed help, and a safe place for her son.

'There is Sarutobi and Shikaku. Thank Kami.' She landed in front of the two who was directing the village forces.

"I need you two to protect my son from ANYBODY. UNDERSTAND! If I die and he isn't taken care of by either one of you, I will come from death to Fuck you two up. Understand?" She said nicely. The two obviously fearing her wrath, shook their heads in fear. She left before they could question her.

'I love it when people fear me. Ok Now to Minato. Where can he be!? I can find me him later, Kurama is in my need. I can feel their anger.' She thought as she rushed across the roof tops, passing her fellow ninjas as they sped to the rescue.

She happened to slip when she jumped from the Academy building, but Choza caught her. She took a breath as a vison appeared.

'Minato were fighting a masked nin, and wounded him. The masked nin left, and Minato appeared where the Nine-Tails was. Kurama charged a bijuu bomb and released it at the crowed of jonin and chunins and vaporized them. Kuramas eyes faded from sharingan to foxes. Minato was burned badly.'

"Shit, Choza. You have to tell the forces to back up. I have to go to the demon!" She told the larger male, as they sped towards to battlefield.

'Sorry for calling you a demon Kyu, they don't know we're friends.' She thought.

"I'll go fight the kyubii, while you do that." She landed far away from the giant-sized fox as it tails bring chaos to everything around it.

'I have to find a way for me to get close to her.' She thought. She then saw the arrival of Minato.

"Minato! Create a seal barrier NOW!" She yelled as she created chakra chains out of her body.

'Damn, my chakra is below 30 percent. Thank you Uzumaki heritage.' She thought as the chains wrapped around one of Kurama's arm. The behemoth pulled Kushina forwards, but she applied chakra into the ground to lessen the damage.

"Kurama, why are you doing this!?" She yelled as she wasn't in earshot of people.

'Shit she is charging a bijuu bomb. I have to teleport on top of his head, but my chakra isn't stable enough yet. Shit I'll have to rely on my magic.' She thought. Then she had thought of an idea.

'I can use my psychic reflection to bring her out of this genjutsu. I just have to channel it through my chains.' Kushina's hands glowed blue and sent it through the chains into Kurama's body, breaking Kurama out of the illusion. But it was to late.

The bijuu bomb was fired and hit the barrier, everyone felt the shockwave and was thrown back by it. Unfortunately, this broke Kushina's concentration, and dispersed her chains, causing fatigue and chakra loss.

"Baby, are you alright? You shouldn't be in this fight! Where's our son?" Minato asked his secret wife. She nods as she. She could barely stand up. She was almost at her limit.

She spat up a little blood and coughed a little too. She wiped her wiped her mouth with her arm.

"He's with the old man and Shikaku. Minato, wait!" She could barely as Minato flashed away.

'Kurama!' She focused her attention back to the fight around her. The ninjas resumed their attack upon the newly enlightened bijuu.

Kushina could feel how angered Kurama was. She ran forwards the massive fox in attempt to stop the being. She had to dodge out of the way of each attack the giant was sending her way. She sensed Minato as he arrived with Naruto.

"WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING, MINATO!" She yelled at her husband.

"Kushina we have to seal away the beast inside our son, it's the only way." He told her as he teleported them miles away.

"No! I won't let you burden Naruto, OUR SON, with Kurama. The village people will be after him, not to mention Danzo and the elders. You know Sarutobi will tell the world!" She pleaded with her husband.

But Minato didn't listen to her. He started the formula for the reaper death seal. Kushina was hitting him on his back, when another vision appeared to her.

'Kurama thruster his claws into Naruto, killing her son.'

"Minato teleport to Naruto now!" She yelled as Kurama reached back.

They luckily reached the now awoke newborn, as Minato finished the seal. Kurama ripped them through the middle, as the Shinigami appeared.

"Please Death God, seal this demon into my son. Take my soul as the payment." Minato was dead moments later when the Kyushu was sealed into their newborn.

Kushina smiled her last smile and cried her last cry.

"Listen my child. We love you; we treasured you and remember. You are the chosen one. The Charmed One. You can't tell anyone, ok? I Can tell your intellect will get you into dark trouble, and your memory will be well. So, I will take this away too, so you can try to live a good life. I will always love you." Kushina life was fading as she said her last spell.

'With only moments of my life at hand,

I bond my soul to my son's mental land,

So, when he needs his powers the most,

I will be there to guide his life and boast?

Kushina died holding her man, and her son. But her soul went into the seal to sleep. She just didn't know for how long.

'Bless it be, my son~'


<Word count 1188>

Ok so I watched charmed all the time in my youth, and love it til this day. So I added this story to my roster.

Ok guys, I was lazy. No excuses, besides corona. Please tell me what you think. I know everyone will wonder about his relationships. Don't worry, He will not practicality be a man how, he will have serious relationships, and not a high body count. Lol.

That was supposed to tell you most of the abilities Kushina had, and tell you that she was a bad bitch. I was still trying to make it where he is still down to earth and can be defeated, while have some sweet ass  jutsu, his Uzumaki bloodlines, and his charmed magic.

Well any ways...Thank you again, for reading my books and loving them. Please give me some clout by commenting, voting, and sharing this book and any others you like of mine. Have A good morning, night, evening, or when you are reading this.


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