~Psychic 4~

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"Kusuo-nii, I wanna practice my abilities-" As I was trying to ask him, I got cut off. "Sure, why not. I don't want you to cover the entire house in ice when you sneeze." Kusuo-nii agreed. "I don't do that any more! Heck! I didn't even do that!" I exclaimed. "Says the person who covered the entire house in ice after sneezing and needed me to revert the house to it's former state." He stated, glacing at me. "That was years ago!" I shouted. "That was two days ago." Then I stayed silent.

"Anyways," I paused, "How am I supposed to train again?" I turn to him and ask. "With your ability." He answers straightforwardly. "I know that! But how do I even train it when I don't even know the extents of them?" I said, thinking as hard as I can.

"Sneeze." "What-" Somehow, flowers appear in front of me, and I sneezed. Covering the whole house in ice. "...Kusuo-nii, can you not do that?" I said, annoyed. He doesn't answer but is melting the ice. And after melting the ice, he teleports us to somewhere.

"Where are we?" I ask, looking around the space. "My training place." He says, then takes a bolder and chucks it in my direction. "Woah-" I barely dodged the bolder. "Are you trying to kill me?!" I yelled. "Stop it with ice." He simply stated before throwing another bolder in my direction. 

This time, I tried to make my ice into a katana shape. My katana disappeared ever since I reincarnated here. Then pierced through the rock. It shatters in a million pieces. "That was close..." I've almost died again, and I don't want that to happen again. In MHA I was killed by a few villains that deemed me too powerful, in TBHK Tsukasa-kun stabbed me. And in my original life, I got pushed by someone onto the road when a car was passing by while I was looking at my phone and chatting with Kushida-san. But somehow... Kiyo-nii didn't stop that person... 

And while I was deep in my thoughts, something flew past me. I look behind me to see Kusuo-nii carrying the bolder. "Pay attention." He said before throwing the same rock in my direction again. 

This time, I activated my ability and used it as a shield in front of me. The ice cracks as soon as the bolder hits it, making me walk one step behind and reinforcing the wall. "Kusuo-nii, please go easier on me. It's my first time training!" I cried out.

TTTD: The Disastrous Life Of Saiki K [Book 3] Saiki Kuriko, at your serviceWhere stories live. Discover now