Chapter 4

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Midoriya was sitting at his desk writing in a notebook no one had ever seen besides him. You might ask, 'What's he writing in this notebook?' well to answer your question he's writing his plan to get the police's attention from ever reaching him. The chances were low but not 0%, it was probably a 7% chance of them finding out his identity but now its around 50-70% with the League knowing his identity, but he needed it to be 0% he wasn't willing to go to jail just yet and would kill who ever he needed to stay outside of it.

He heard a knock on his door so he put his notebook in a drore and locked it, stood up and opened the door to see Aizawa there in his usual attire. As soon as I opened the door Aizawa grabbed my wrist and dragged me out of my room through the halls passed the common room outside and into a car we went. "U-umm sir where are we going?" Midoriya asked in a nervous tone. The reply he got back made his head race and break into a million pieces, "The police station." Why would he be going to the police station? Did they find out his identity already? What would the police station want with him!?

Time flew by and before Midoriya knew it he was in front of the police station, heart racing a million beats per minute. All he could do was follow Aizawa into the police station quietly. When they got to the back of the police of the police station they went into a room, and in the back of the room was Detective Tsukauchi waiting patiently with a cup of coffee. As soon as he noticed their presence he turned to them and smiled at the both of them. "Ah, Aizawa! Nice to see you again Izuku!" he said in a cheerful tone.

Now Izuku remembers, this was the detective that investigated him when he had his run in with Shigaraki at the mall before the training camp. "We brought you in here to help with some murder cases that we've been stumped on for a while. If your half as good as Aizawa tells me you are we'll have these solved in no time or at least close to solving." Izuku's nerves calmed down as he glared at Aizawa, "What?" Aizawa asked. "You should've told me why i was going to the police station! I thought I did something wrong!" he said in an angry tone of voice. "Yeah yeah, whatever...""Let's get started shall we?" Tsukauchi said interrupting their fude. Izuku and Aizawa walked over and took a seat as Tsukauchi took out some files with pictures stuffed inside of their respective case folders. There were 3 of them that Izuku cloud see as Tsukauchi laid them out on the table. He picked up the one in the middle and looked at the header of the case, 'Scuicider'. Ahh, he'd heard about this one before, a series of murders where the victim seems like they committed suicide, but instead of leaving it like that the muderer cut of a small peice of flesh from the nape on every one of their victims. The victims range from tall  dark haired men having been recorded buying large amounts of alcohol at a time.

Did they think he was stupid? This was obviously some one who was abused and suffered from domestic abuse where they murdered their abuser, most likely male in his late-teen-early-twenties being able to lift up those men that weighed close to 300 lbs, all with similar looks as well.

"Easily, some one who has suffered from abuse in their past, most likely male in their late-teens-early-twenties." He said in a bland voice like this was nothing to him. Aizawa and Tsukauchi looked at him as if he were crazy, he didn't event opened the file!! Forget half as good this kid was 10x as good as Aizawa had told him about! "Also look for orphans who have had parents that seemingly committed suicide that are young adults now." He said finishing up his conclusion.

About 4 hours later, they were finally done, having 'drank a total of 42 coffees all together, they finally cracked the 3 cases that were put out. "Ahhhhh, the sweet relief of sleep~!" Izuku whined out thoroughly tired. "Let's head back to the dorms, it's already pretty late." said Aizawa stretching out his arms to make the form of the letter 'T'. But he got no reply as Izuku had already fallen asleep on his shoulder with heavy eye bags.

Aizawa sighed and picked up the problem child bridal style and walked out of the police station and to the car putting him in the passengers side of the vehicle and buckling him up. "You got yourself a bright kid there, Aizawa." Aizawa looked behind him to see Tsukauchi standing there with a pleased smile on his face. "Yeah, I guess I do..." Aizawa said in a somewhat thankful tone. "Well I best be off." Aizawa said walking over to the drivers side and getting inside. "You should come by again, he really helped today." "Yeah we will." Aizawa said while starting up the car. "We'll see you later." Tsukauchi said, and Aizawa lazily replied with "Ya, you too." as he drove off to the U.A. dorms.


Yhyhtyre- I'm so sorry I didn't post this earlier my internet crashed for the whole day yesterday! Welp it's out now so enjoy!

DeceptionOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora