Chapter 10: In which Canada is a flirt

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After the American's finished their rendetion of We are number one much to pretty much everyone's amusement.

"Who wants to read?" England says

"I would like too." Matthew said and no one heard him.

"I BELIEVE-!" Alfred starts gaining all attention "That Matthew would like to read."

"Thank you eh." Matthew says as the book is handed too him.

The others looked around nervously, Matthew tries to act like his normal self but you know sometimes you want to crack a few skulls.

"First is a journal entry written by mon petit frère." Matthew says, before reading.

Dear diary,

While my twin scares me to death, he is also a womanizer. France had more of an impact then one would think. This really becomes apparent when we go to college together.

While I would go with a hard major about the newest and coolest sciences, Mattie would choose something easy. Basic level French, History, and the like. He never really went for the degree. No it was the parties, men, women, and basically any human to cross his path.

Damn bastard, I'd be on my 2 month insomnia streak as I did both school and paperwork and he'd drag me to a party where 2 minutes in he's already piss drunk with at least 5 different people swooning for him. Then there's me, who doesn't drink much alcohol for...reasons. I end up hiding in the bathroom and doing more work. Then I drag his ass back home.

One time, he had phone numbers all over his skin and he was mortified to find it in places you would need to strip him to get too. Yeah, it's been decades and not once has he gotten me to relax at a party and enjoy myself.

Alfred F Jones
The United States of America

"Papa is so proud." France cries and Matthew is flushing red. He has a lot of phone numbers on his phone.

Many countries were surprised, they didn't think he would be the type. But, they don't really know Canada that well at all.

"2 month insomnia streak?" Japan asks

"Oh yeah, you see I get mountains of paperwork daily and I also had school work so to get it all done I didn't sleep and lived off coffee."

"And Monster, and more coffee, and hundreds of 5-hour energies, and pure sugar. I could go on really." Matthew adds

"Getting Ma to sleep is certainly a chore, we have to drag him to bed. And we have to force him to eat at times. " Cassidy mentions

"Won't even rember to eat potato chips." Torrie mourns and Cassidy pats her back

"You know, next time I drag you to a party I'll invite Russia. You're record will be broken immediately." Matthew mentions offhandedly

Alfred flushes "You wouldn't."

"I would." Matthew challenged

"I'd be fine with it." Ivan pipes up

"Vanya, don't encourage him." Alfred deadpans and Ivan just laughs

"Anyway, next is from Prussia." Matthew says

Dear diary,

First of all, I am awesome. Anyway, today I saw him for the first time and remembered him. Canada, I've seen him before but like the others before me I've forgotten.

After a while, you start to notice him more and more. And you see, he isn't like his brother at all. Alfred is cute, but he's like a excited puppy. I see him as a brother, I trained him after all in the American Revolution. But, Matthew he is his own person, with thoughts and quirks. He is cute, extremely cute.

They are almost night in day when you start to notice these things, the sun may shine brighter but the moon is beautiful and elusive. Never before have I wanted to steal the moon.

Gilbert Beilschmidt, Prussia

Matthew and Gilbert go a simular pink, neither wanting to think about what was just said.

"I can help you with that you know." Alfred says and Ivan just herds him back to his lap as he left it to lean on the table.

"Alfie, bad." Matthew nutters

"Hey, you get to tease me. I get to tease you." Alfred says

"But I'm the big brother, so I have that privilege." Matthew says 

"Older by like what, 3 days or something?" Alfred grumbles and Matthew just smirks st him.

"So, that's who you like-" Germany starts

"Don't even start little bruder, we can talk once you figure out your relationship with North Italy." Gilbert says and that shuts him up.

"Hmm...Next is a memory-"

Once again, they find themselves in an unfamiliar area. There was a large house that was booming with music and lights flashed.

Two people stood out, Alfred and Matthew. Alfred had his overgrown hair in a sloppy bun as he fiddles with his phone, huge bags under his eyes as he sips a coffee. Matthew was wearing a slightly unbuttoned plaid shirt and tight skinny jeans.

Ivan was eyeing college Alfred, you know checking him out. Present Alfred grabs his hand, seemingly jelious of all the attention his past self is getting. And Gilbert, he wasn't a saint either, he may be checking out past Matthew.

"I hate you so much." Past Alfred mumbles

"Hey, you need a break." Past Matthew insists

"This will just stress me out." Past Alfred mutters

The scene changes as they enter this party, young adults drinking like it was the end of the world.

Past Matthew makes his way to the crowd, " Girls" A few check him out impressed "Men" he winks at some men who also check him out. "I'm partched, I was wondering where a guy could get something to drink.?

Past Alfred shakes his head as a few minutes later Matthew is drunk as he sits on a couch with his current admirers.

Alfred leaves and locks himself in the bathroom, starting to do work on his phone and he didn't even want to be here.  A few hours later, they watch past Matthew being fireman carried out of there as he giggles drunkly hickeys and lipstick all over his skin.

Present Alfred just shakes his head, Ivan hugs him and Matthew just smirks evilly. He really did have fun at those parties, the hangovers sucked though.

A/N- Suprise!! I updated this story for once. It's a Christmas miracle.....Yeah, I'm pretty sure no ones that happy it updated lol.

What is editing?

Au revoir!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 04, 2020 ⏰

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