[3.] U N E X P L A I N E D__C R E E P I N E S S

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Bella and the Cullens walked up the front steps of the school. Edward had his arm slung over Bella's shoulders while Jasper and Emmett talked about their next baseball game which Edward was fully against, especially after what happened the last time.

Alice locked arms with Rosalie leading her a few steps away from the argument that would soon follow but everyone stopped dead in their tracks at the sound of engines roaring behind them. The same engines Edward had heard the night before making him spin around on the spot and dragging Bella with him.

Scott and Allison pulled up to the school first they were lost in a conversation about which movie they were going to watch next before Scott held his hand out to her and Allison smiled. They intertwined their fingers together and quickly grabbed their books off of the hood of the car.

Aiden stopped next to them with Lydia still hugging his waist. As soon as they made it off of the bike the werewolf carefully removed her helmet making sure not to mess up the banshee's hair before he planted a sweet kiss on her lips. Lydia smiled up at him and her arms wrapped around his.

Malia decided it was probably best to let Kira drive them that way they made it to school on time and with no dead bodies on their hands. Isaac slid out of the front seat and walked over to open the car door for his mate. Theo did the same for Malia and the four of them made it over to Scott and Allison with relieved smiles before they saw Stiles' blue Jeep pull up behind them.

Corey and Mason got out all ready for their first day until they noticed Liam's head against the window, his arm being used as a pillow. Mason sighed and he reached back inside the Jeep to pull his best friend out of the vehicle and back into the land of awakeness. Stiles shook his head in sympathy for the beta. He felt Liam's pain he was still so exhausted from their trip yesterday but Melissa's air horn and yelling this morning woke him up completely for the rest of the day.

Bella watched as the new kids piled out of their cars. It was amazing, Forks was known for being a small town where there was virtually no new people ever but here they were more than ten transferred kids that were either crazy beautiful or extremely hot.

But also very human.

Bella felt Edward stiffen next to her and she glanced up at her boyfriend to see him looking confused. But then he started to glare at someone and she followed his line of sight until her gaze fell on someone she never expected, Stiles Stilinski.

Bella slid out of Edward's grasp to run down the stairs and right into her cousin's unexpected arms. Which made them stumble backward until one of the boys next to Stiles quickly held an arm out to stop their fall.

"Dude, what the hell?" Bella asked and pulled away from him with a grin covering her face.

"Bells, surprise!" Stiles clapped. "Look at you all grown up," he smiled, taking in her appearance. Her hair was longer and darker than he remembered and her features were more defined than well, ever.

"Why, didn't you tell me you were coming?" Bella asked as the Cullens appeared behind her. It made Stiles' skin crawl they were so pale and their eyes were all the same golden-brown, which did not look at all normal or healthy to have.

"Did you not get the surprise part?" Stiles quipped and swung his backpack over one shoulder to gently push his cousin toward the pack where Scott grinned and pulled Bella into a hug.

"Hey Bella, long time," Scott said before his gaze caught the brooding vampires behind her. "Stiles was so excited that we got to move here to see you again," he added, almost distractedly now.

"I wish I knew you guys were coming," Bella smiled before she awkwardly glanced around at everyone.

"Bells, this is Allison. She's Scott's girlfriend and then there's Lydia and Aiden. And over here is Malia, Theo, Isaac, and Kira. And then these three adorkable idiots are Liam, Mason, and Corey," Stiles introduced them all.

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