[5.] A L P H A__M E E T I N G

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Edward sat at his usual spot in the cafeteria he managed to drown out Rosalie and Emmett's continuous argument on God knows what and Alice and Jasper's insistent love talk as he glanced around the room he noticed his mate wasn't at school today it made the vampire sad at Stiles' loss of presence but it also sent a wave of relief through him.

Edward watched as Bella left his side to corner Lydia in front of the vending machine a solemn expression on her face as he zoned in on their conversation.

"Hey, Lydia is Stiles okay? I didn't see him in any of my classes today?" Bella asked the strawberry blonde who sighed pushing past her to get to their table with Bella right on her heels.

"Stiles is fine he's just feeling a little under the weather," Lydia explained as Aiden held a hand out to her which she happily took before he pulled her down into his lap while his eyes and attention slid back onto the book in his free hand, "head cold or the flu or something... I didn't really stick around long enough to ask, I have a thing about germs, you know?" Lydia shrugged.

Of course, Lydia knew what she was saying was a complete lie and that Stiles had really just ditched school for an Alphas pack meeting at the Rez but she couldn't exactly tell Bella that the girl would think she was nuts.

"Oh, he didn't look sick yesterday," Bella said in confusion.

"I know weird, right?" Lydia pressed her lips together trying her best to stay as polite as possible this was Stiles' cousin after all and she was just worried about him, "must be the change in climate, Beacon Hills was pretty warm and sunny most of the time unlike Forks' quaint charm of cold and ice" Lydia stated leaning back against Aiden for warmth and support.

Edward had snapped out of the conversation at this point his mate was sick the vampire could feel his frozen heart clench in pain at the thought.

What could be wrong with him?

Was it serious?

Questions raced through Edward's mind his head telling him to stay as far away from Stiles as possible because it was the smartest thing to do but his heart couldn't disagree more.


Stiles wandered through the Rez his feet taking him to Billy Black's house while his eyes stayed glued on his mate's whereabouts, Derek reluctantly left Stiles to go catch up with an old friend while he went to introduce himself to the Quileute's new Alpha Sam.

Stiles barely had time to knock on the door before a full-grown and darkly tanned Jacob Black pounced him in a hug a stupid grin covering his face.

"Stiles! Long-time, man" Jacob exclaimed pulling away from Stiles as Billy wheeled himself up behind his son.

"You too, Jake" Stiles smiled. "Got a haircut I see" the teen pointed out absently running a hand through his own messy brown locks, "about time. Dude, the long hair thing was making you look like some kind of Disney princess" Stiles joked making Billy laugh.

"It wasn't that bad, jerk" Jacob grumpily muttered.

"Stiles, good to see you" Billy smiled holding his hand out to the teen who immediately took it.

"You too, Billy" Stiles nodded.

"What are you doing here?" Jacob asked remembering the pack meeting was only a few minutes away.

"Visiting" Stiles stated the obvious making the werewolf roll his eyes, "didn't you miss me?" Stiles asked clutching his heart in mock hurt.

"Ha. Ha. Ha." Jacob laughed. "Of course I did, man, but I got this meeting thing to attend it's for members of the Rez" he explained and if Stiles hadn't already known about the supernatural and the Quileute pack and the Black family being related to Talia Hale he would have totally bought the whole fake Rez members meeting thing.

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