[6.] J E A L O U S Y

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Edward pulled up to the pack's house the first thing he noticed was the black Camaro that was in the drive something that wasn't there when they arrived two days ago.

Bella immediately jumped out of the car before Edward even had time to switch off the engine.

The vampire's skin was crawling with anxiety he didn't want to be here but at the same time he did his mate was here and that made Edward's dead heart skip yet another beat.

"Remind me again why we're here?" Edward asked.

"To check on Stiles," Bella said for what felt like the tenth time making her roll her eyes.

"Bella, you heard what Lydia said he's just got the flu or something from the drastic climate change," Edward stated his feet dragging along the stone pathway, he was dreading seeing the teen boy who had a power over him that Edward could never get back.

"Edward, I moved here from Arizona and I was perfectly fine," Bella pointed out as she lightly pressed the doorbell in, "I just wanna make sure he's okay," she said with concern.

"Beacon Hills is in California it's a warmer state than Arizona."

"It is?" Bella asked with genuine interest, Edward shrugged he didn't really know he was just rambling and hoping it would get them away from the house quicker.


Stiles and Derek had just gotten back from the Rez and they were still soaking wet from head to toe but the grins covering their faces told each other that they didn't care.

Derek pushed Stiles against the nearest wall kissing a trail of faint bruises down the brunette's neck the werewolf's heart quickening with each moan of pleasure that rolled off of Stiles' tongue his hands running up and down Derek's back his nails gently scraping over the triskelion tattoo sending shivers through the Alpha.

The doorbell rang throughout the house making the two reluctantly pull away, Stiles and Derek stared at each other their breathing slowly returning to normal.

"I'll get it, it's probably Bella anyway," Stiles sighed running a hand through his wet and messy brown hair, "grab me a towel?"

"Yeah," Derek nodded giving Stiles a quick peck on the lips before jogging upstairs.

Stiles walked back up to the front door he was wearing only a pair of jeans so the cold breeze that hit his chest when he opened the door had him wincing before his gaze met two familiar faces, Bella and Edward.

"Hey, Bells" Stiles smiled. "Edward, what are you guys doing here?" he asked as Bella stood there in shock her gaze drifting over his body while Edward did everything he could not to lunge forward and grab his mate.

"Lydia said you were sick," Bella stated, snapping out of her daze her eyes meeting Stiles' again, "you have abs!"

"Thank you, Captain Obvious" Stiles quipped. "And I am sick," he said fake coughing for her making Bella roll her eyes before punching her cousin in the arm, "ow!"

"Liar, you ditched school to go cliff diving, didn't you?" Bella accused crossing her arms with a huff.

"That's gotten a lot harder," Stiles remarked rubbing the dulling pain in his shoulder, "and maybe" he added with a cheeky smile that had his cousin laughing at him, she couldn't help it he was just such an adorkable idiot.

"Babe, here" Derek jogged down the stairs and into the room throwing Stiles a towel before slipping on a shirt.

"Thank God," Stiles breathed out.

Derek chuckled coming up behind the brunette his gaze immediately catching the two people in front of him a small growl formed in the back of his throat when he saw Edward.

While Stiles had zoned out from the conversation talking to Jacob, Seth, and Leah, Sam had told Derek about the Cullen's being cold ones, vampires.

"Hey, you must be Bella, Stiles' cousin, right?" Derek asked a polite smile gracing his lips as he shook Bella's hand.

"Yeah, you are?" Bella asked completely entranced with the Alpha in front of her and did he just call Stiles babe was he gay the questions flew through her mind.

"Derek, Derek Hale nice to meet you," Derek replied.

"You too" Bella nodded. "Oh, uh, this is Edward my boyfriend," she introduced the two as Stiles dried off his hand reaching out for the shirt still in Derek's hand.

"Edward Cullen it's nice to meet you," Edward greeted.

"Well, I am glad to see you are not deadly sick, Stiles" Bella stated confusing Derek for a second before Stiles shrugged.

"Lydia told Bella I was sick which is why I ditched school today," Stiles explained.

"Right, you do have a fever" Derek smirked a hand reaching out to check Stiles' forehead before the brunette playfully smacked it away.

"Don't want you getting sick, Der" Stiles teased a sweet smile playing on his lips before the front door swung open making the two groan in sync which confused Bella and Edward as they twisted around to see the newcomer.

"What? No hug for dear old Uncle Peter?" Peter joked.

"Who the hell invited him?" Stiles questioned.

"Hello to you to Pup, nephew" Peter greeted. "Good to walk in on you two fully clothed for once which must be these two's doing, Peter Hale a pleasure," he smiled his eyes drifting over Bella and Edward, Peter's joking manner turned to stone when his gaze fell on Edward's appearance.

Golden eyes and pale skin.

"Bella Swan."

"Edward Cullen."

"Derek, Stiles a word if you will," Peter asked gesturing them into the next room and on any normal day both of them would have told the wolf to go to hell but his rare serious tone and expression shut them up instantly.

"We have to get going anyway, right Bella?" Edward asked hoping she would just agree so they could get out of there and away from his mate not to mention the way that Derek guy was openly flirting with Stiles making Edward want to rip his head clean off with just his bare hands but only after sinking his teeth in the guy's neck and watching him slash around in pain from the venom.

"Yeah, I'll see you tomorrow Stiles" Bella smiled before almost getting pushed out the door by her boyfriend.

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