Chapter 7

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THE field had been separated into pairs. All the partners stood together, a bit apart from the other groups. They all had a cauldron with a lit fire under it in front of it, so obviously they were going to brew a potion. Asmeen was glad she'd studied the day before.

Aven didn't look worried at all, so Asmeen was relieved. They'd probably be doing this together, as there was only one cauldron per group, so it would be helpful if her partner knew what he was doing.

Dara and Osoric looked as put together as ever a they walked to the front of the field. "As you can see," Dara said, "Today we will be making a potion."

"You'll be making a simple healing potion, one to heal bruises and cuts. The ingredients are on that side of the field—" Osoric gestured to the right, where there were tables set up with glass bottles of different ingredients, knives and cutting boards.

Asmeen exhaled, relieved. She remembered that one. It was easier than she'd expected. She glanced at Aven, who nodded. Good.

"There should be enough for everyone, but if you need more, please inform us," Dara said.

"You may go and collect your ingredients," Osoric said. "In an orderly manner."

"Should we wait a bit?" Asmeen asked, eyeing the crowd that had gathered at the tables despite what Osoric had said.

Aven shrugged. "Sure. You know the recipe?"

"Yes. Don't worry," Asmeen said. She looked at the crowd, which was thinning. "Let's go."

The two of them walked over to the now-depleted tables. Asmeen could see Elyn with her partner. Wylla had probably gone in early. They grabbed bottles, checking with each other. Asmeen ended up taking a cutting board and piling the little bottles and containers on it. Turmeric powder, evening primrose, honey—she glanced at Aven. "I think we're done."

He nodded. "Let's go."

They walked back to their cauldron, setting everything down on the grass. Asmeen crouched, making sure nothing fell over as she placed all the ingredients carefully, holding the knife carefully instead of keeping it on the ground.

"You may begin," Osoric said.

Though there were no official rankings, Dara and Osoric would be walking around and observing how they were doing. It was obvious that they were busy taking mental notes.

There was a bucket beside their cauldron, full of water. Aven lifted it up and poured the water in carefully. A few drops hit Asmeen and she took a step back. "Careful."

He set the bucket down again and glanced at the bottles on the ground. "Pour the honey, please. I'll mash the gingko leaves."

Asmeen nodded and uncorked the bottle of honey, pouring it into the cauldron. She began stirring carefully. They'd have to wait for the water to boil before putting in anything else.

Aven finished mashing the leaves and began stirring, so she prepared the rest of the ingredients. The water had begun boiling, and she was waving steam away from them, the field significantly heating up, as Aven began putting in the rest of the contents.

She'd turned her back for just one moment, to grab the clove that had to be added second last. She turned just in time to see Aven dropping in the gingko leaves.

"What are you doing!" She hissed, trying to keep her voice low. "Those are supposed to be added last!"

He blinked at her. "No, they aren't. The clove—" He gestured at her hand— "Is supposed to be last."

Asmeen shook her head rapidly and dropped in the clove, in an attempt to salvage it. "No, it isn't!"

"You're not supposed to put that in it yet!" Aven said, throwing his arms up. "Just trust me, I know this!"

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