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Because I'm discontinuing this, im leaving this last epilogue sorta chapter, check my most recent announcement for the details to what's happening. I'm stunned by how far this fanfiction has truly gone and have never been more thankful for the amount of attention it's gotten :)
Kind of cringed writing this but I'm really tired and wrote stuff I didn't even realise I wrote, you get me?
Bye bye <3


The creaking of the door sounded through the little hall of my front door which I had pushed open as quietly as I could. I could hear The faint ticking of the clock hung up on the wall that read "11:42pm", but it was otherwise quiet. Setting my keys down and tiptoeing around the right corner to the first door, I cracked it open just a little bit and peered into the dark nursery room where my little son lay in a crib, his cute little snoozing noises barely loud enough to hear. A smile split on my face looking at how tiny he looked covered in his little blanket, embroidered with oranges that had been made by Hanta's mom after his birth. They really were so excited to be grandparents, and something felt so emotional to me knowing that my son would have a grandmother.

Taking one last adoring look at my sleeping baby, I quietly shut the door and strolled over to the kitchen island, looking for something to eat. I poured myself a cup of water and took a long sip from it. My body was so dehydrated on late work nights like these and I often found that drinking water helped to ground me after all of the hero saving I had to do. After a moment, I checked the fridge for any leftovers and saw a pot full of already cooked chilli, a note stuck on top of the clingfilm wrapped around the top.

Taking it out and setting it on top of the island counter, the note read, "mi esposa, some leftover dinner I cooked earlier for us, probably went to sleep so help yourself," followed by a smiley face and a lopsided heart. I laughed to myself thinking, "He must've been tired from work too."

Just then, I heard little pitter patters on the tiled floor. Looking down at my feet was our dog, Mario. His cute little shiba-inu face stared excitedly at me, tongue hanging out, relieved to see me after a long day.

"Mario, what are you doing up at this time buddie?" I stretched down to smooth my hand over his fluffy head, and just then a pair of bigger hands lifted him up. I straightened myself and found I was standing face to face with my husband.

"Late work day, my love?" Hanta said, scratching Mario's head affectionately. He was still in his hero work outfit minus the helmet, managing to make my heart skip a beat. Even after our three years of marriage, he still somehow made me feel like a little girl. He looked so fine, and I was smug to know he was all mine for the rest of our lives.

"Not a day of work at Mirko's hero office that doesn't get busy. Ever since taking over Mirko's agency, things have been real hectic trying to manage all the changes."

"I bet she still visits you once a week to oversee things for a day. You know Mirko, always fussed over things," He replied, taking the pot off the counter after setting Mario down, "I'll heat this up for you."

"Three times a week, actually," I joked.

"Why are you still up, baby?" I ask, holding my hand up to his cheek.

"I got home early actually, but couldn't sleep because I wanted to wait for you to get home," he smiled sweetly, taking my hand and kissing it, then putting the pot on the cooker.

"How's my old man, by the way? I remember he was supposed to come by today to babysit Oscar," I ask, my eyes following Hanta busying himself around the kitchen, his hair falling into his face.

He rested his hand on my waist for a brief moment to get past me for the wooden spoon and said, "Oh, him and Ozzie were great today. Took him to the park today for a stroll, played with him and whatever grandpas do with their grandsons."

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2022 ⏰

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