We found it? we found it! (T H R E E)

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Turns out finding a giant camp in the middle of a woods was actually very hard. Without being attacked or seen? Very, very hard. And while the sun was setting? Near impossible. Here I am again talking about this whole jinxing thing. I'm thinking at this point I should just keep my mouth closed. But where's the fun in that?

We turned a corner and walked past more green stuff. I have a feeling we'll be doing this couple hundred more times. Or thousand. And then we have to walk up a hill - apparently. It being called Halfblood Hill just implies that, common sense really.

The sun was barely visible through the thickness of the over head leaves and branches. Hearth nearly fell in a hole. I walked into a tree. Blitzen sneezed while we were hiding from a monster and got us cornered. Once we had killed it (and it disintegrated) we changed direction.

"Magnus," Blitz said. "Just a little light."

You may be wondering what he meant by that. Well, we recently found out that if I concentrated hard enough I could produce a little light from my fingertips. It's barely visible in daylight and is still hard to see in the dark of the night, but it was enough.

"There," I whisper, my hand producing a dim light.

The sky above us rumbled. Lightning flashed like an old camera. Hearth squeaked in shock. A shout was heard (well - sorry Hearth, I didn't mean to be rude)  up ahead. It sounded like something about a rock. I'm hoping that wasn't what the monster was wanting to throw at us. I took Alex's hand with the one that wasnt glowing.

"We must be close!" I mutter. "This way?" I say pointing towards a clearing in the trees. Alex lead the way.

We walked for a bit. Keeping on high alert. After a lot of hesitation I pulled out Jack and told him of our situation. He added a little more light. Which was good. Jack promised to stay quiet (surprising, I know).

The four of us stumbled through a clearing. The low light of the setting sun was able to come through as there were no trees blocking its path. I could stop the glowing in my hand for now.

"Where now?" Blitz said as he sat down for a rest.

I nod forward, where there was a hill. "To camp." I start to walk in that direction.

"Magnus, wait." Alex ordered. "Don't be stupid, can't you see?"

Well, saying as it was getting dark fast. No Alex I couldn't. But now she's mentioned it I could see the silhouette of a figure. It must of been the monster. Though it didn't look much like a monster. No extra limbs and it wasn't extremely tall. It looked pretty human too.

"Is it just me," I quietly announce, "or does that 'monster' have very human-like features?"

"Now you mention it, yeah. Sorta." Alex said as we slowly approached the hill. "Okay guys, new plan!" She turned around. "We're going to walk around the bottom of the hill for a bit, so we're not walking directly at it when we go up."

"And hopefully," I put in. "We can get to camp and then fight whatever it is."

Good plan, Hearth signed. Now let's go!

"And quickly," Blitz said. "Its cold and dark."

We agree and hold our breath as we walk around the back. We flinch everytime we see the flash of lightning, or whenever a clash of thunder erupts. I spotted that a tree had gone up in flames somewhere behind us. It was good we had Alex to keep us all in check, otherwise we'd of been dead (again). Not for the second time, as Alex and I die almost every day in battle practice back at the Hotel, but since we were no longer in Valhalla we wouldn't just wake up in our beds in a couple hours. We'd be proper dead.

Dear Magnus, - A FierroChase and Percabeth BookWhere stories live. Discover now