Story 2: Beauty and the Boar, Part 1: Once Upon a Time

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A/N: Heyo everyone! Back at it again! This time I have finally finished my super long chapter. XD Months in the making, just so ya know, so sorry if the variety of writing styles. But anyways, please enjoy. I will not be writing an A/N for the rest of the parts of this story until the end. The original art I was going to use I couldn't find so sorry for that 😓 So I used this one instead. (Idk who did it, but it was on pixiv. All credit goes to them! (I'll include a link at the very end of the story to it :)) Another quick thing, tho the characters in the "fairytale" part are given names of the characters from the game, it is not what they're named after in the book Byleth is reading, just using the game characters name for simplicity. Finally, this is a mix of both the 1991 animated movie and the 2017 live action version. (tho more inspired by the 2017 one because that's my FAVORITE Disney movie :P) Sorry for rambling, I'll see y'all at the end. Let's get to it! 


 It was a stormy night. All of the inhabitants of the monastery where taking shelter either in their rooms, in the entrance hall, or other covered areas. Byleth was in the library, using the alone time to look up tactics and do research on the enemy. They were currently in a war with the Adrestian Empire. The war was at a stalemate for the past few moons, ever since Byleth reappeared suddenly. If Byleth could find the enemy's weakness, they could tip the scales for their favor. The Kingdom recently took back their stolen capital, Fhirdiad and the war was starting to look better for them. They just needed that one victory that tips the odds.

As Byleth was scanning the shelves for tactic and strategy books, she came across a mysterious book she never noticed. It had a golden cover and spine with intricate patterns all over it. There was no words on the spine so there was no telling what the book was about. Maybe it was the book she needed. Byleth curiously took the book from the shelf. She examined the cover. It was dusty as if it wasn't touched in years (Then again, the monastery itself wasn't touched in 5 years until recently.) and made the golden cover look more silver than gold.

She wiped away the thick dust layer and could finally make out the title. In fancy lettering the title read The Collection of Fódlan's Best Fairy Tales. Byleth was intrigued. She rarely read stories like this and when she did, she loved every second of it. She quickly opened the book and started reading. It was as if the whole world around her was melting away and it was just her and the stories.

She left the other books she was going to read about tactics on a nearby table and headed towards the back where no one would see her off-task. Just before she sat down, Byleth heard a noise from the front of the library. She turned around, slightly startled. She saw a surprisedly dry Dimitri in the door way. She thought Dimitri was in another part of the monastery, not on the second floor where she was. He wore his hair in a partial ponytail that Byleth styled for when Dimitri started to snap out of his obsession for revenge. Byleth was a little surprised he kept it that way.

There was an awkward moment of silence. Neither knew what to say to the other. Byleth was embarrassed that she was caught reading a book on fairytales when she was supposed to be doing research for the upcoming battle. Dimitri was confused on why the professor looked so embarrassed like a deer in torchlight. Both tried to speak but where interrupted by the others attempts. Dimitri stayed quiet, signaling Byleth to start.

"So, uh, what brings you here now?" Byleth asked awkwardly. She looked down, still embarrassed.

"I was going to ask the same of you." Dimitri answered, slightly chuckling. Byleth showed the cover of the golden book to Dimitri, yet she didn't speak a word. Dimitri scanned the cover. He slightly smiled. "Fairytales, eh. I remember my stepmother reading those to me a lot when I was younger. In fact, my family had that exact same book, but after the Tragedy of Duscur and the death of my parents, I never had time to continue." Dimitri said.

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