ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 𝔗𝔥𝔯𝔢𝔢

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"Everybody has that certain chapter that can't be read out loud

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"Everybody has that certain chapter that can't be read out loud."

Kyle felt like laughing.

He stared at his arms. Which have patches of black that seems to shaped into flowers. His white skin looks like a canvas filled with black roses, and Kyle didn't like it one bit.

This is a curse. The curse called [Roots of Evil.]

He managed to get rid of it in his previous life by accepting a demon to possessed his soul. Whether he's at the disadvantage in that situation, he doesn't really know. Both him and that demon benifits each other.

There are three ways to get rid of this curse. However, those three ways have a huge risk, and no matter what it will lead to death. As far as Kyle is aware, people who have this curse would immediately be killed before they got to do either of the three ways to get rid of it.

The first choice is through murder. By absorbing the blood of the person responsible for the curse, the [Roots of Evil] would absorbed the blood and take it as a nutrition. It's like a plant, to begin with. The curse is the plant and the blood would become the water. Once the curse have been get rid of, the person who is free from this curse would turn into a devil pawn. It's because the only people who could put this curse, are people who used demonic arcanes.

Right, blood absorption is also a demonic skill, which makes the person who is free from cursed evil.

The second one, easiest of all, is to absorb the cursed itself. However, while it is indeed the easiest, it was also the slowest. Besides, the King have a huge hatred against Demon kind, and knowing the curse [Roots of Evil] would end up into yet another devil, though it was just the power they would get. People who are said to have this curse would immediately be killed on the spot.

Kyle only survive because of the standing of his family, him being the son of a Marquis. Also, Kyle managed to cover it up with sleeves, sometimes illusion magic and against those who have higher rank, it would be the protection from his Grandfather.

Right, the last choice is exactly the one Kyle have chosen. By letting a demon take possession of his soul. Though he didn't expect that the demon who managed to have a contract with him is one of the Supreme Devil Lord in the Demon world. Though what he didn't expect, is that the demon he thought would betray him, was actually loyal to the point he'll die for him.

Kyle bit his lower lip, and slowly, he wipe away the blood that was dripping from his mouth.


People deemed them as creature filled with sins. Filthy and Unloyal.

But through how Kyle see it, it was humans who did such things. That demon he formed a contract with was indeed malicious and cunning, but despite that, he was extremely loyal. He wouldn't even dare disobey an order from Kyle.

By forming a contract with a demon, it would mean that he become your greatest aide and ally whenever you called, and in exchange, the person who summoned the devil itself would offer his soul force, or offer someone else soul force.

Once a demon formed a contract, they would only appear once their contractor needed them. Though in Kyle's case, his contracted demon decided to stay by his side, claiming that his life is always on danger and it was a waste of magicules to go back and forth to where he is, which Kyle agreed reluctantly knowing that it's the truth.

Kyle let out a sigh, "How foolish of me to treat him badly."

Pushing aside his regret and guilt, Kyle decided not to dilly-dally. After all, he already knew what his so called 'Illness' is.

Now he have to see for himself what exactly is the poison that Caide is feeding him.

"A little bit of tasting wouldn't hurt." Kyle said, raising the cup into his mouth.

The moment he tasted it, his mouth immediately reacted and spit the contents out.

He actually drank this kind of slimy stuff without suspicion?! But thinking about it, perhaps it was because his father agreed to it.

Kyle let out a sigh of exasperation and opened the door leading into his balcony. Without much ceremony or whatnot, he poured the 'tea' into the plant, grimacing at the sight of the flower slowly dying.

"How naive I once was." Kyle said to himself with a laughter.

Indeed, he was naive. But that was before, and for him it should just stay as a nightmare for eternity.

"Now, everyone I deemed as enemy shall be weakened or erase from this game."

Closing the door behind him again, Kyle placed back the teacup into the tray and walked towards his closet room, looking for a comfortable clothing to wear.

Kyle closed his eyes for a moment. It does felt real for him, and he is hoping it wasn't just a dream.

Letting out a sigh, Kyle slipped out of his current clothing and took a black long sleeve shirt with silver lining adorning it.

He was thinking. Now that he came back to life, where should he start? He doesn't have an idea at the moment. Perhaps he should start building up his defense first, creating 'weapons' he could used against the upcoming war.

"Right, allies..." He muttered to himself in amusement.

He exactly knew who to befriend and how to get in those 'Heroes' side. Though there's one particular Hero that Kyle would want to mess with, or perhaps he would pull that man at his side.

Solleil Rollean, the so-called Holy Hero at his time.

That man, although having a kind heart, was naive. He believed the King too much and ended exterminating the whole Guam Village that is located at the east. That Village is a place Kyle could also consider as Home, since everyone accept him wholeheartedly and even called him brother, son and etc.

However, Kyle did not expect that a week have past after he left that place, the Royal Assassins let out a Chaotic Class Monster who immediately seized the whole Village, entrapping everyone under that curse.

The King send Solleil, and the man, believing that the Guam Village have been serving a Demon for many years, mercilessly took the lives of everyone including the children.

Kyle let out a grin, though the eyes filled with nothing but dullness was a sign this grin held was not that of happiness, but crazed.

'I, Kyle Evans, would make you all pay.'

-End of Chapter 3-

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