Chapter 21(My mistake)

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Mia's POV

This was my worst birthday.The person who wished me first today was mum.She called me on Simon's phone.A guy appears in my room with a phone in his hand and said

"MIA,somone is calling you"

When he said these words at first I thought it was Harry but my happiness became little less when I heard my mum's voice.

"Mia are you okay,is everything alright there",she said in a single breathe.

"Hold on hold on,i am good ,why are you so tensed",i said trying to calm her down.

"I heard about YOU and HARRY.I know you are getting a lot of hate but darling i am always here for you",she said and i can feel that she was sad.

"Mom its my birthday today , well u didn't wish me",i said pretending to be alright.

"Oh sorry princess,MANY MANY HAPPY RETURNS OF THE DAY",she said and i was like thank God she is happy now.

I cant see my mum crying,she is everything to me.

While talking to my mom on Simon's phone,i saw a guy standing at the door and it was Nick.

"Mom i will talk to you later , bii",i said and disconnected the call.

"Sorry if i am disturbing you",he said and walked towards me.

He was hiding something in his hand..

"No no please come in",i said but i wanted to know what was he hiding.

"A GIFT FROM HARRY".As i was lost in my thoughts Nick said

"Habby birthday Mrs Styles"

"Thanku Nick atleast there is someone who remembers my birthday",i said and he looked confused.

"Harry didn't call you yet",he questioned.

"Lets not talk about it",i said in an annoying tone.

"Okay as you wish Mrs Styles",he said and winked at me.

"Tell me what are you hiding"Is it a gift for me",i said

He tried to hide it and walked further in my room

Hejumped on my bed with his shoes. This guy is so dead now.

I grabbed a pillow. I hit him  so hard he just fell on the bed and i suceeded in taking away that thing from hand.

I did a mini victory dance and got off the bed as he tried to get  up.

I opened the packet and it had a friendship bracelet in it After that i realised he was wearing the same.

It was cute as heck.

This guy is so sweet.

"Thankyou Nick,I Love you",i said and hugged him.

"Dont say that Harry will not like this",he said and my smile disappeared.

"Mia what happened",he asked.

As I was walking with Nick.Molly and Jasper appears in the room.

"Where is another bitch",nick whispered in my ear and I hit him with my elbow.

"Hii Mia,its your birthday today,So can we be Friends",Molly said but Nick cuts her off.

"No,she doesn't need you",he said and hold my hand to take me out of the room.As we were going to leave Jasper hold my hand.I was looking like a puppet.

"Well that was rude",Jasper said and pulled me towards him.

"Dude don't ",Nick said.He was behaving like Harry.

I was looking at both of them and my eye balls popped out of my socket and words couldn't escape my lips.

Nick finally suceeded and we started moving out.

"Mia please on last chance", Jasper said with truthfulness in his voice. Well that was at least I felt.

I looked at Nick and gave him a puppy  eye look. "But Mia I swear if he hurts you...", Nick said and I assured  him with my eyes that its okay.

"One last chance", I said and he grabbed my hand "No touching too", I said and he took his hands away.

"So to celebrate your birthday we are throwing a party", he says and I get confused.

"You don't have to..." I say but Molly cuts me off "its our way of saying sorry."

I didn't want to hang out with them but at the same time it felt like a perfect distracting from Harry right now so I said yes.


Harry's POV

It was her birthday today and I wanted to wish her but at the same time I wanted to surprise her.I was tensed about the message so I decided  to go there and clarify everything after concert. I did the concert and it went very good.I don't know why all the time I was thinking about her.Minutes passed like hours and finally I rushed towards airport and grab the flite.

Mia's POV

I decided to wear a one shoulder dress with a silver belt around my waist with black high heels.I moved towards the club. I entered the black and to my bad luck DJ was playing the song "BEST SONG EVER ".I looked for Nick but he was not there.

I was really enjoying myself,we cut the day,everything was going good but if Harry was around it would have been perfect. Jasper hands me a drink. And I hesitantly take it.

I find  corner and get drunk. I just wanted a way to get him away from my mind. And I thought it would help.

"Aww where is your perfect little boyfriend?" Candice appears in her slutty dress and a bitchy tone.

My vision blurred and and I only remember someone carrying me in muscular arms in a room.

I forced my eyes open and It was Jasper carrying me in his arms.

We reach a room and Jasper throws me on a bed. He  unbuttoned his shirt and Molly appears with a handy cam.

God what are they doing.

"Revenge time bitch". she said I got to know their wicked intentions. I moved a little but I fell on the ground. Now I was helpless. How I wish I never agreed coming here.

A/N:Hey lovely readers thankx for reading...I love you soooooo much.



Liam_Paynes_Train for their lovely comments..

Love you guyz.

Stay beautiful ✌

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