Frankies POV

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It was just me, Jane, and Tommy.

"Guys I have something to say." Tommy said loudly. "Ma get in here, I want to tell you all at once."

Mom walked in slowly scared of the news her derranged son was about to speak alloud.

"Alright, she's here, now go ahead." Jane said.

Tommy pulled out a little box and I instantly knew what he was about to say. He opened it slowly so everyone could see. "I've decided to ask Lydia to marry me!" He said with excitement. Ive gotta be honest, I havent seen him this happy in.. ever.

Ma screamed and hugged tommy "That's my boy!!!!" She said in a high-pitched happy mothers voice. "I can't believe my baby is getting married!" She continued on all the whilst Jane and I exchanged a look of pure agony, our way of saying Nice job little bro, way to up the marrage expectancy! Jane turned away and rolled her eyes watching Maura hug Tommy with a huge smile on her lips.

"I'm so happy for you and Lydia, I'm also very proud of you Tommy, You've grown up a lot in the years I've known your family." Maura said as i watched jealously. I bet he likes her, and thats why he's trying to detour me. or even worse maybe she likes him. I decided on the latter, I mean, Tommy's a criminal, Maura would never fall for him.

The next day was so awkward, i couldnt figure out if Maura liked me or not and it had really been eating at me. She was sending a lot of mixed signals and it was pissing me off, but im a nice guy, a patient one, i can wait.

After work i was at home eating cereal when i got a call from Maura. Instinctively i slicked my hair back and answered "Frankie speaking" I tried to do my best sexy voice. It had very sadly, been wasted.

"Tommy. Drinking. Hurry!!" She said as I could hear im saying something on the other end. Just mumbling it sounded like.


"where is he?" I ask and Maura points over to the bar and I walk over to him. "Tommy what happened? You've been sober for three years!"

"And its just as good as I remember it." Tommy retorted and looked back at Maura. "Shell never like a guy like you, shes high class and you're blue collar."

"hey, stop it!" I could barely hear Maura say.

I gave out a laugh. "okay now shut your mouth."

"Buy her a glass of Cote De Nuits, atleast you'll impress her by knowing your wines." Tommy said.

I grabbed him firmly on the arms and forced him out of his seat. "come on punk!" I say angrily as he turns around and punches me.

"YOU TWO. STOP IT!" Maura calls out.

I hit Tommy back and push him on the bar. he hits me again and I pin him down on the table.

"STOP HIM FRANKIE!" Maura yells out.

I picked him up and pushed him out the door. I wanted so badly to let him know id won, but I decided to be the bigger person and kept along.


Maura was sewing up my lip when Tommy started again with his drunken babble. "if Maura likes any of us its Jane."

"Tommy, lie back down, you're incoherent." Ma said. Good point too, cause Maura is strait, and why should he care.

"You couldn't possibly know who I like Thomas." Maura said biting her lip. "that doesn't hurt does it?"

"its fine, I told you, I'm used to it." I say as she shoves the needle through my lip again. She keeps biting her lip and its driving me crazy, it takes everything I have not to kiss her right now.

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