Chapter 3

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A/n sorry if this chapter will be bad. I am so confused about something happening at my school. Gurlll don't be confused just get yurrr mind off urv it. Now The One and only Maddie is Here!!! y'all on to the chapter!!! ;) I changed Katie's apperance just A BIT.

Katie's POV

I went to go sit up and the world spun underneath me. Jason looked alarmed, I guess I had fallen asleep. He tried to hold me up so I didn't fall on my butt.

"You should lay down, that blow you took to your head was pretty hard, we might have to get a paremedic to look at your head." He said still holding me up.

"Your so pretty, your blonde/ brown hair and arctic blue eyes, the way your eyes twinkinle and the way your forehead creases right there." He told me touching where he meant on my head (If I stay reference!! The feels omg)

I blushed furiously, and smiled a little, he blushed furiously realizing what he said. Then he pressed his lips to mine.

Next thing I knew I was kissing back and  fire works were going off in my head feeling all tingly every single time he touched me. Is this love? All you could hear was our heavy breaths.

The nurse walked in and cleared her throat. Me and him jumped away blushing furiously. She walked in with a paremedic lady and the lady checked out my head. "Now she may be a little banged up, but for now she needs to take it easy for a couple of days." The paremedic lady told me and the nurse.

"Here let me help you to class," he said holding out his hand. I grabbed it and he intertwined our fingers as we walked out of the nurses together.

Every time he touched me it was like fire works going off.

I don't know if I am in love or not.

Last time I was the boy broke my heart by me finding out he was cheating on me with my ex-friend (Becky aka evil witch).

My A&F jacket sleeve slid up a little when I went to get up and it showed my bruises on my arm. "What is that from Kates?" He asked me concerned, I guess that is my nickname for him.

"Nothing," I muttered, I don't like talking about my father. For some reason after my mother died he started being really rude to me.

Before then he bought me and I mean more clothes than I would ever need and I had no closet space. He even expanded my closet for me! Then when my loving mother died he was a complete dick to me.

I felt tears well up in my eyes furiously trying to blink them away but failed, them falling on my cheeks.

Jason pulled me into a hug, "please tell me who did that and what is wrong." I looked into his thick forest green pleading eyes.

"My father did this to me," I said under my breath.

"After my mother had died my father turned complete devil side on me, he used to buy me clothes and shoes and even expanded my closet and we didn't even have the money, but he did it for me, then my mother died in a car crash me coming out with some manageable bruises, they tried to keep her alive, she went into a coma and died in the coma,now my father beats me every night, and when I walk out of my room is the same, I get beat." I said fearing what he is going to say, or if he is disgusted with me.

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