chappie 4

45 2 3

Maddie is here once again!! I'm running this show since ray ray is a little busy!! Yes I am changing her appereance this is the last time I am tho. I thought this fit her the best out of everything. Onto the chappie!!

Katie's pov
       I started walking home from detention, I could hear the thunder rumbling in the distance.

I put up my phone securely in my jacket pocket. I slipped my hood on my head.

It started pouring on me, as I started running home. When I got to my porch I pulled out my key.

I inserted it into the lock of the door and walked in to.see my dad drunk sitting by the door waiting for me.

Oh crap. I thought as he got up and made his way towards me.

"Where the hell were you?!" He yelled furious throwing the broken beer bottle at a wall making me flinch.

"I-i h-had ASD." I had told him Stuttering.

"Oh is little katie afraid?" He said having a little hope in his voice.

I turned to walk away, just as I felt myself ripped backwards by my jacket hood.

"Don't you dare walk away from me!!" He yelled slapping my face.

I continued to feel the blows to my face and the heel of his cowboy boots hitting my ribs.

I think he cracked one. He finally let Me go and told me to go to bed.

I winced from the pain in my ribs and slowly made my way up the stairs to take a shower.

I grabbed my hot pink fluffy pajama shorts with a black spaghetti strap tank-top.

I put my phone on my I home and turned on here comes goodbye by: Rascall flats.

Song starts:

    I can hear the truck tires coming up the gravel road.

And its not like her to drive that slow nothings on the radio.

Footsteps on the front porch I hear my doorbell, she usually comes right in now I can tell.

Here comes goodbye here comes the last time.

Here comes the start of every sleepless night, the first of every tear I'm gonna cry.

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