chappie 5

53 2 1

So im updating from my computer today it might be a long one :D oh, by the way it is maddie again. im begging all of yall to vote for my story. i really try and put all of my emotions into the chapters. onto my chapter.

katies pov

   I was sitting in my car again, my mom was sitting next to me yelling at me. "Katie please help me!" I dearly wanted to help her,but i didnt know what to do. Next thing I Knew we swerved and hit the tree, "I hate you! You could have helped me! you worthless daughter!" I tried to speak but the words wouldnt come out. 

I bolted up out of my sleep a cold sweat breaking out on my forehead I turned and grabbed my phone and clicked the screen on, 1:24am there was one unread text message from jason ily <3 

To: kates mah girlxx <3

       You got me scared here. hope you feel okay. I  will see you at school,text me if you cant sleep. I hope you sleep well. -Jason was here!!xx 

I smiled at his sweetness, if only I could sleep and get that nightmare out of my head. I tried to go back to sleep only to toss and turn or hours and hours. I groaned and looked at the time 5:50am I decided to go ahead and get up and take a shower.

I hopped into the shower hot water running down my body, my ribs hurting even worse. I wrapped a pink soft fluffy towel around my body.I was more than extremely tired, the nightmare still having me going.

I put on a crop top that said 'U MAD BRO?' and I also slipped on some blue forever 21 jeans and my neon green Vans.

I slipped my phone in my back pocket and slipped on my backpack and my jacket and walked out the door and headed out of my school, before my dad woke up. 

I walked into the school and immediately went to the restroom I looked in the mirror my hair was okay but you could tell my eyes had bags under them, and my face was paler than usual and you could tell my ice blue eyes looked worn out.

I  walked out into the cafeteria and saw Jason  waiting for me. Honestly I felt like crap, my head hurt, my throat was killing me, and my nose was clogged up,and I felt like I would hurl at any moment.

He walked over to me and his face was happy, then it turned to concern. "what's wrong, you look terrible Kates." He said to me his voice filled with concern.

I shook my aching head, "Didn't get any sleep last night, woke up at 1:24 and never fell back asleep, on top of that I feel like litteral crap." I told him my voice sounding weird to my ears. He lifted his hand to my head,his hand felt cool to my I guess burning up forehead.

"Your burning up kate lets take you to my house so you dont run into you're father and that way I can take care of you like  a proper boyfreind." He said making his voice deep at the end part. I giggled at that.

"The lady giggled!!" he yelled, some people started looking at us weirdly but he didn't care, he just took my hand and walked me out of the school. 

He texted his mom to come pick him up, about thirty minutes later his mom pulled up to the curb of the school.

"come on Kates lets gooooo." he said whining like a child I laughed then started coughing,he put his hand in mine and helped me into the car.I turned to face forward and realized that his mom was in here with us.

"Now who is this pretty little lady?" she asked making me blush. I stretched my hand towards her, "My name is Katie," I answered a little shyly.

"Mom this is my girlfriend, Katie but I call her kates." He said to his mom, mentioning towards me.

"She is a little sick, so like the nice boyfreind I am going to take care of her at home." he said smiling. "Are your parents okay with this?" I flinched at the words parents but Jason quickly covered for me,"Her dad is okay with everything and her mom,sadly passed away when she was 6 in a coma." He said.

"I'm so sorry for asking, I didnt know." his mother replied quickly. I nodded my head in understanding and looked out the window, "You okay babe?" Jason asked me, looking into my eyes. I nodded my head and put it on his shoulder. Then  he started tickling me and I jumped and started giggling.

He countinued to tickle me as I pleaded for him to stop. He stopped then kissed me, I pulled back a little "You're going to get sick, I dont want you to be sick because of me." I said, and he shrugged and then contimued to kiss, me.

Then again with the tickling, "You know you guys are really cute." Jasons mom told me holding up hi sphone showing that she took a picture of us kissing, after we had parked in their drive way.

Their house was really big to my suprise, I stared at it in awe."Moooom" Jason said whining trying to get his phone back. He finally got it back and asked me for my twitter user name.

"It is @Katie_Jones."I said reluctantly. 

I heard  bing come from my phone, I looked and it said @Jason_RealDeal followed you.

Then there was another bing and I looked it was a pic of us kissing and it said,

'with @Katie_Jones my beautiful girlfriend,looks like we got eavesdrpped on ;)

I smiled at that as we got out of the Car and headed inside, let the fun begin. I thought to myself.


That was my chapter please please vote it took me 4 hours to write this and i poured all my jucies into it. Please vote!!

5 votes and 5comments, is that so hard? please please vote.

i hope you like it and message me if you want me to make you a character in the book. just message @Clary_Jace101 if you want to be apart of the book and if you want to be Jasons sister or one of Katies friends in the book. :D thx, this was 1090 words!!

    -The One And Only Maddie. 

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