chappie 6

55 2 4

Its Maddie AGAIN I'm updating this PLZ vote. Other than that nothing to say..
Onto the chapter!!
Katie's POV
     We walked into his house and he grabbed my hand and sat me on the couch,"Sit Here I'm going to take care of you today." He said sternly.

"If you need the restroom it is up the stairs on the left." Jason said walking out to get me some medicine as I nodded.

I felt bile rise up in my throat, I hopped off the couch and ran up the stairs to where he said the restroom was at.

When I got in the restroom I went to the toliet and retched in it. I heard Jason run up the stairs towards where I was at, when he got in there I felt him feel my head as I finished retching and he rubbed my back. 

When I was finished I got up and he handed me some medicine and I downed it with some water.

I sat back down on the couch and Jason sat next to me, with his arms wrapped around my waist as I laid my head on his chest, watching TV.

I felt my eyes droop as we watched the TV him stroking my hair, and with that I fell into a sleep filled with more nightmares.


my father walked down the steps of the stairs coming towards me. "The hospital called." he said in monotone. That worried me,terribly I already have a feeling of terror in my stomach.

"About What?" I got out,trying to hold the tears back. "While she was in the coma,she died,IT IS ALL YOUR FAULT!! If you hadn't gone with your mother and been the big mistake you are then she would still be here!" He yelled coming closer to me raising his hand as I cowered away.

"no,no,no I DONT BELEIVE YOU!!" I yelled at him wanting to prove that I wasn"t a mistake and my mommy didn't die.

"You should blame it on yourself your the one who caused it to happen." he said as I felt a stinging sensation to my face. The my father had kicked my stomach and knocked me to the ground,as his foot started coming towards my face.

I bolted up as sweat broke out on my forehead I felt like crap in the litteral term, Jason sat up half asleep,"Whats wrong," He asked seeing it was me who had flipped out.

"Are you okay?" He asked fully awake now.

I looked at him and nodded as my stomach churned,as i tried to hold back the vomit coming up my throat.

I hopped out of bed and ran to his restroom emptying the contents in my stomach into the toilet.

Jason came in after me pulling my long brown hair back, I got up and looked at Jason.

"Sorry you have to deal with me. I'm a handful aren't I?" I said feeling like he didnt want to take care of me.

He lifted up my head and looked me straight in the eyes, "Dont you ever say that I love taking care of you,as long as it means you are here with me, nothing else matters." He said honesty gleaming in his eyes.

 I gave him  a big hug as he kissed my forehead,"Dont ever think about yourself that way,your perfect,and I would do anything to be with you."

I smiled wide as we started kissing then we decided to go watch a movie as it was only 12:30pm.

We picked out some movie neither of us had seen and sat down on his couch,as my stomach rumbled because of hunger.

"Wanna get some food?" He asked me probably hearing my stomach growl.

"I dont want to get sick again," I said fearing that if I ate I would retch again.

"Come on you dont want to not eat anything,you have to eat when your sick." He said to me trying to get me to eat.

I nodded reluctantly getting up slowly as he took my hand and brought me to the kitchen.

He got me a muffin which I gave the other half to him.

I started walking towards the couch with Jasons hand intertwined with mine.

"We should go do something." Jason said deep in thought.

Me and him started walking towards the park as I  saw a man in a hoodie behind us.

I tried to pick up my pace because you could obviously tell it was my father. 

He is probably wondering what I am doing out of school.

My father grabbed me by my waist and hoisted me up over his shoulder,as I screamed for Jason.

He spun around and was hot on our heels and kicked my father in the leg making him fall also resulting in me hitting my head on the concrete.

Jason called 911 And they arrested my father and sent an ambulance for me.

I was put on a strecther everything being a blur I am taking a wild guess.

Before I passed out Jason Looked in my eyes, "It's okay, you will be okay I love you,"

Right then and there everything went black.


Sorry for the wait!! i wish i coulda upadated sooner but everything has been hell ( excuse me for my language) at school && my house kinda at my house but not really.

Please vote && i hope you have a wonderfull valentines day!! Comment also!!

took me 9 days to write this please if u want me to message Clary_Jace101 and i will make you a 1D fanfic just message me the type of fanfic you want and what you want it to be about.

plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz voteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee comment!!!! also!! this is 958words!!

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