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Mingyu shook his head as he let out a chuckle. He locked his phone and slipped it inside his pocket, while picking all his things up from his desk and organizing all of it inside his bag. He can't help but feel excited over the image of Soonyoung waiting for him at the cafeteria of their university. He once again peeked under and around his chair and desk just to make sure he didn't drop anything, he then made his way to the door as he was done checking.

Soonyoung is an architecture student, meanwhile, Mingyu studies engineering, civil to be exact. He and Soonyoung had talked about their courses when they were still in senior high, joking about being work partners once they graduated as the courses they were gonna take are on the same field and mainly work together.

They have been friends since 3rd year of junior high, Soonyoung was a transferee back then, and though he's a year older than Mingyu and most of his classmates, they were still on the same level as Soonyoung started school late.

"Mingyu-ya!" His head automatically followed the familiar voice's direction. As if on cue, a smile formed in Mingyu's lips.

"How long have you been waiting?" Mingyu asked Soonyoung as he approaches the table Soonyoung occupied for the both of them.

Mingyu can't help but to feel as if there's a havoc in his stomach, looking at his Soonyoung hyung, he can not just deny how good he looks today. Soonyoung's black hair really suits him, wearing an oversized gray hoodie with its sleeves too long that it hides his hands makes Mingyu smile from ear to ear. How is he so small.

"Not too long, just enough for me to draw the structure of my dream house." Soonyoung lifted a corner of his upper lip, signalling Mingyu he's been waiting for long already. Mingyu then chuckled at the hyperbole Soonyoung said.

"Stop overreacting!" Mingyu playfully said to Soonyoung as he places his bag on the chair across Soonyoung. "Should I order? To make it up to you?"

"Will you?" Soonyoung tilted his head and slightly sticks his lips out. Wondering what's with Mingyu today and why did he offer to order in the counter instead of making the older one do it, as it was their usual routine.

Mingyu smiled at Soonyoung as he picks up his black cap. "Just because I made you wait." Mingyu then proceeded to the counter.

What's with him today..

Soonyoung's train of thought was cut when he felt a vibration coming from the pocket of his trousers. He quickly took it and opened to see who messaged him.

Wonwoo to BRoHoes:
Soonyoung-ah, where are you?
Let's eat!
I'm dying of hunger.
I'm with Minghao and Jun.

Seungkwan to BRoHoes:
How dare yall eat without me
Please wait for me hyungs
I'm almost done with my class
Hansol will come with me

Soonyoung can't help but to chuckle as he reads their friends' messages, seems like they have been flooding their group chat earlier than when his phone vibrated, notifying him late.

Mingyu to BRoHoes:
Soonyoung hyung's with me
We're at the caf already

Before Soonyoung could even type a reply, Mingyu had let them know that they are together already. He glanced at Mingyu who is now typing something in his phone, his brows furrowed. He then felt vibrations after vibrations from his phone.

Seungkwan to BRoHoes:
Oh, are we interrupting your little date together? ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

Minghao to BRoHoes:
Sorry mingyu-ya, pls proceed kissing

Mingyu to BRoHoes:
Fuck you both

Soonyoung didn't even bother to look at his phone anymore. Their friends are at it again, teasing him and Mingyu as if they were in love with each other or something like that. He finds it weird that now, even their friends think of them as a couple. It isn't new for both Mingyu and him as they get this comment a lot from various people who do not know them that much. If are they dating? Are they together? Do they live together? Interrogations such as these, but now that even their friends kind of question their relationship, it's starting to get weird.

He just shook his head as he locked his phone.

"Here's your food, sir." Soonyoung's attention was caught by the tall man beside him, placing a tray on their table as if he was a waiter or something. "Shut up, Mingyu." He lightly hit Mingyu's arm, rolling his eyes.

"Eat already, you must be starving." Mingyu told Soonyoung as he sits across the older. The older then started to munch on his food.

However, Mingyu just cannot start eating already. Not with all of these messages on their group chat teasing him with once again, Soonyoung. Seungkwan and the rest do this as if it is a part of their daily routine and life, they just never shut up about him and Soonyoung.

Seungkwan to BRoHoes:
Alright, mingyu-ssi
Please do not keep your boyfriend waiting and make the hamster eat already

Jun to BRoHoes:
We're about to go there but we might interrupt mingyu and soonyoung sitting in a tree, K I S S I N G

Hansol to BRoHoes:
Pls let them live guys

ㅋㅋㅋ alright alright
We'll be there in a few minutes gyu
Just eat first then wait for us

Mingyu seemed too focused on his phone that Soonyoung noticed it. He had eaten half of his food and Mingyu hasn't even touched his, what is he so busy for? There Soonyoung realized the vibration he had been feeling since earlier. It must be the guys.

"Mingyu, why don't you just eat your phone and give me your food?" Soonyoung sarcastically said as he flicked the back of Mingyu's phone, raising his brows while looking at him. Mingyu let his other hand go away from his phone there his hands were parted and his vision was welcomed by Soonyoung's face.

"Who are you talking to?" Soonyoung once again asked, about to pick up his phone as well which Mingyu tried to stop and proceeded on telling him that he should just proceed on eating, but Soonyoung didn't listen to him. Mingyu knows and feels there's definitely a pinch of awkwardness between him and Soonyoung whenever they are being teased, which is far different from before, where both of them were a hundred percent fine with it. He just does not want to feel a bit awkward around Soonyoung.

However, Soonyoung had read it all already. He isn't smiling nor seemed annoyed, his expression was neutral. There Mingyu decided to just start eating and touch his food to distract Soonyoung.

"These guys, really.." Soonyoung broke the awkward silence with a statement which Mingyu can't reply.

Minutes after the awkward silence, Wonwoo and the rest arrived.

Not too much of a surprise for both Mingyu and Soonyoung, they are welcomed with Jun and Seungkwan singing "K-I-S-S-I-N-G," as they approach them.

They were neither uncomfortable nor fine with it, it's just that, it suddenly felt new, but it isn't. That's the foreign feeling that makes them feel a bit awkward whenever their friends tease them.

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